Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Irish Conundrum, or When Nationalism Is Globalized Into Suicidal Inanity


Given ways things are going, Ireland is over, no less than Great Britain is. The demographic trends are dire, made all the worse by the Irish ruling elites, intellectual class, and the educated middle class lending their moral support to what is effectively White Nakba and using threats and coercion to discourage any authentic nationalist reawakening and resistance against the demise of the Irish as a people, culture, and territory.

For the longest time, Irish pride of identity derived in large part from the resistance to British Imperialism, but it was a narrative with caveats. Not only did the Irish adopt much of British culture, values, and attitudes but they were genetically indistinguishable from the Britons. In time, English became the language of the Irish, and furthermore, it’s hard to think of another people who were bigger beneficiaries of the empire, other than the British themselves of course.
Indeed, one could argue that the Irish came to greatness through the British Empire, directly and indirectly. Not only did countless Irish join in the imperialist ventures and gain political/economic advantages but they benefited immensely from the mass immigration to the United States that, despite its independence from the empire, was a British creation and, in time, the closest ally of the Anglo Empire. (Granted, one could argue that black Africans were even bigger beneficiaries of the empire because contact with the White Man transformed them from jungle primitives and savanna bunnies to citizens, and ultimately sacred cows, of the richest and most powerful country on Earth, the United States. Afro-Anglo interaction made the real difference as blacks in Latin America gained far less.)

So, even though official Irish historiography propped up the image of the plucky underdog Irish standing up to British tyranny, no less true was the fact of tremendous Irish gains under the empire(and its creations).
This has led to a certain schizophrenia in the political mindset of the Irish. Are they blood-brothers with the British who recruited the Irish(as their closest racial cousins) in the imperialist ventures or are they soul-brothers with all the peoples, especially nonwhites, who stood up to ‘racist’ British Imperialism and other forms of Western domination?

It was further complicated because the Irish, due to their lower status in the British hierarchy, were often assigned the dirtier work that led to resentments and prejudices(to both uppers and lowers). Indeed, the haughty British often admonished the Irish for being overly crude and bigoted towards the imperial subjects while they themselves affected magnanimous postures. The master hires the overseer to whip the slaves but then lectures the overseer not to be so brutal. It’s like Jews using white goy cucks to destroy Muslim countries and Arab lives but then pontificating about ‘Islamophobia’.
Often finding themselves closer to the imperial subjects in the British colonies, the Irish had fewer illusions about the ‘wogs’ and ‘niggers’. But in constantly being given the dirty work, they also grew to resent the British. (And during World War II, the anti-British feelings led to Irish neutrality, which could be spun today as “letting the Nazis kill all those poor innocent Jews.”)

The ethno-dynamic was somewhat similar in the US, despite its independence from the British Empire. The ruling class was mainly composed of Protestant Anglo-Americans while Irish Catholics were lower in class hierarchy. Thus, the Irish came in closer and more troubled contacts with other ethnic groups(such as Jews, Italians, and Polacks) and the blacks. Even though the Anglo-American elites established the socio-economic order, they often talked down to the Irish and other lower-class types as being bigoted in their inter-ethnic relations and racial attitudes. In the film RAGTIME(directed by Milos Forman based on the E.L. Doctorow novel), the tormentor of the fancy Negro looks like a typical drunken Irish-American.

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So, over time, the Irish were both more likely to growl about “those damn niggers” AND more likely to identify with groups perceived as exploited or tyrannized by the British or the Anglo-Americans.
Not surprisingly, the Irish who turned out to be least prejudicial were in Ireland itself, which was once virtually all Irish and white. If the Irish in the US and various parts of the British Empire at least had an eye-opening first-hand encounters with the ‘natives’ or nonwhites, the Irish in Ireland increasingly came to rely on the Jewish, Liberal, and/or Leftist-dominated media and academia for their worldview.

When Ireland had been fixated on the national obsession for independence and reunion with Northern Ireland, the larger world didn’t matter so much. Also, being one of the poorer nations in Europe with a healthy birth rate, the priority of the Irish was to improve their own lives, not to play the role of the saviors of the world. In this period, the politics of resistance was mostly nationalist, even though some Irish caught the revolutionary bug and conflated the Irish struggle with international movements against imperialism, even participating in rebellions or revolutions in other countries.

At some point, gradually and then suddenly, the mythos of Irish resistance took on a globalist color. It was less about the Irish resisting the empire to restore and secure Irish nationhood than about the Irish joining in(and even leading) the world community or movement against ‘racism’, ‘colonialism’, ‘white supremacism’, ‘apartheid’, and so on. Thus, Ireland as a national entity in and of itself came to matter less as too tribal and petty. The elements of the national struggle were extracted and formulated into a global crusade. It encompassed the entire world, and the Irish were now part of this ‘universal’ movement, and so, it no longer mattered if Ireland was preserved as a nation or culture or land. All that mattered was that the Irish be on the side of the Global Good against the Global Bad. So, if masses of nonwhites arrived in Ireland and became the ‘New Irish’, what did it matter as long as it cemented Ireland’s position as a ‘progressive’ vanguard in the world?

Partly, this owed to the change in the political landscape following World War II, especially in the US, the dominant superpower to emerge(and relatively unscathed) from the ash heap of mid-century. Not only did the US media come to dominate the Free World but the US had a huge contingent of people of Irish stock, indeed even more than Ireland itself.
The predominant political narrative of post-war America comprised the Negro Problem, the Civil Rights Movement, the evils of ‘racism’, the commanding oratory of Negroes like MLK, and the magic of black popular music(even as a liberating agent for uptight whites with frozen souls).

If the Irish in America at least had to contend with the black problem first hand in the forms of street crime, school violence, and workplace pathologies, the Irish in Ireland received a filtered reality via the Liberal/Jewish media that presented the problem as wholly one of white ‘racism’ and black ‘victimhood’ and ‘resistance’, i.e. it was the KKK versus MLK, when it was often the case of whiskey-swilling-potato-munchers being terrorized by fried-chicken-watermelon-devouring neo-savages. For the Irish in Ireland, the race problem was so far removed from their immediate lives that they could afford the luxury of their own illusions.
For example, if white Americans got both the fun and fright from black-dominated boxing where black pugilists routinely beat up white boxers(that mirrored racial violence in real-life), the Irish and most Europeans of the period tended to interpret black victories in sports as merely a kind of social-racial justice, an expression of black pride, with which they could sympathize given the history of Western Domination over Africa. Also, given the post-war European inferiority complex vis-a-vis the rich and powerful US, the Black Issue was the one area on which Europeans could glibly feel morally superior toward the Americans. “We might have brought about World War I, World War II, the Holocaust, Fascism, Communism, but at least we didn’t have Jim Crow laws in Europe.”

The Irish also fancied themselves as a soulful and musical people, especially in contrast to the uptight and repressed British, even though, ironically enough, Great Britain and Ireland witnessed explosive successes in pop music around the same time inspired by heavily black-inflected American Rock n Roll and Rhythm n Blues. Some Irish even got to thinking that blues and soul music was a kind of black ‘Irish’ music, and there was probably a kernel of truth to this in that American Southern music had roots in the Irish and Scotch-Irish tradition. After all, something like the blues didn’t develop in Latin America or in Africa itself. In the American South, a Negro might have observed some sourpuss Irish bitterly drinking and cussing the night away and mimicked the style in his own manner: “Why massuh done make me pick all dem cotton and shit?”

The Irish conceit assured itself that, whereas the cold-hearted Britons were thawed by the Afro-American soul, the Irish merely connected with their soul-brothers, black counterparts of the soulful Irish.
In other words, if British Rockers were merely imitating or drawing inspiration from black music, the Irish were arriving at a singularity with their long-lost soul-cousins: “We Irish and them blacks, we know pain and suffering, we both have deep wounded souls, and etc. and through musical prowess, we’ve maintained our pride and dignity.”

Indeed, it’s telling that U2, the biggest Irish Rock Act, has done more to idolize and champion blacks than its own kind. Their songs about MLK and the Civil Rights Movement are more famous than anything written about the trials and tribulations of the Irish themselves. And, Bono basked in photo opportunities as a kind of Irish-Messiah standing tall among the black children of Africa, apparently dearer to him than the children of Ireland, that is unless Ireland is Africanized. Bono and others like him condemn any attempt to preserve the native racial and cultural roots of Ireland as their vision of the holy is shaped, disseminated, and enforced by anti-white Jews.

Ironically, the divisive internecine crisis of Northern Ireland once had a nationalizing impact on Irish politics. So much energy was invested in reincorporating Northern Ireland that less attention was diverted to global matters. Even though Sinn Fein and other radically-inclined Irish factions forged partnerships with ‘revolutionary’ groups all over the world, the main focus was on Ireland itself, about dealing with the pesky Protestant traitors who’d chosen to collaborate with the British refused to relinquish a vital piece of Ireland even long after the sun had set on the empire.

But once the Northern Ireland issue was more or less resolved, Irish politics drifted increasingly toward the global. The leftist-nationalist parties, in order to remain relevant and secure funding, gravitated to new issues. While the Irish had controlled the national narrative, the global narrative had been taken over by the Jews, and that meant the Irish seeking a place in the global order found themselves adopting the crypto-Jewish talking points on what constitutes ‘progress’.

Furthermore, there was a period of rapid economic growth with massive infusions of capital, as also happened in Poland in the aftermath of the Cold War, and this led to an emergence of a prosperous status-conscious cosmopolitan class, the main ambition of which was to be accepted into the EU club and be treated as one of the ‘equals’ among the advanced Western nations headed by the US. This meant adopting the attitudes and ‘values’ of the West, much like Spain had done since the death of Franco.

Even though Spain and Ireland found themselves, more often than not, at the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum through much of the 20th Century — Spain largely associated with rightist Franco and Ireland often associated with leftist or revolutionary sympathies — , the educated elites of both nations came to similar conclusions: Excessive investment in nationalism and reliance on Catholic authority had held society back, thus preventing a more meaningful participation in the Western community of nations.
Apparently, whether it was traditional rightism or classic leftism, Spain and Ireland had missed the boat of full prosperity and progress. No wonder then that Spain came fully onboard the EU ship, often trying to outdo other European nations in their ‘progressive’ credentials. Likewise, Ireland was the first European nation to adopt ‘gay marriage’ by majority electoral vote. And of course, there has been a total collapse of Catholic Church authority in both countries as the new messianism revolved around ‘sexual liberation’, GloboHomo, and Tolerance. Ironically however, the very forces that had undermined respect for the Church by exposing the sex scandals(involving minors) later came to champion the sexualization of children, thereby opening the door to future legitimization and legalization of pedophilia.

In a way, despite their conceits, the new elites of Spain and Ireland were little more than slickity hicks. Just like a country bumpkin in the city tries to overcompensate by out-slicking the city slicker, the newly minted globalist cosmopolitan classes in Spain and Ireland(along with their insufferable Polack equivalents) went out on a limb to show that they too are well-showered and perfumed in scent of ‘progress’. Such mindless eagerness to shed their hick odor was actually rather hick-ish as only a hick-at-heart would be so simple-minded and single-minded in his anxiety to win plaudits.
We see the same fixations among small town types who make it to a college town or the city. As if ashamed of their ‘humble’ origins, they go out of their way to prove that they are now part of the ‘edgy’ crowd. It also explains why the Southern Elites in the US are such useless and servile dogs, cheering along with the ‘woke’ crowd at the desecration of Southern heritage and history.

Nothing wrong with opening one’s mind to the world and appreciating wider horizons and bigger opportunities of urban life, but only a fool would blindly assume that something is truer or ‘more advanced’ simply because the urban elites happen to fancy it at the moment. Consider the Radical Chic of the Sixties and its delusions. Or the BLM mania of 2020, and the Jewish/white elites propping up Kendi X as a ‘great thinker’. Or, all the lies printed about race, sex, and world affairs in the pages of the New York Times.
Contrary to the narcissism of the educated class, much of elite thought is the product of indoctrination than intellect, taboos than thought, and consensus(& status) than contention.
The hysterical or ‘triggered’ reaction of the so-called educated elites to unorthodox ideas is ample proof that they fear honest discussion of controversial topics(most of which shouldn’t even be controversial in a society of open debate). In their lack of nerves, they prefer narratives, just like many families now rely on pre-cooked meals than bother to cook on their own with fresh ingredients. The idea is that we shouldn’t look at the ingredients that make up the narratives but just consume them as ‘healthy’ for us.

The Irish dilemma isn’t anything new. At various moments in history, the local, tribal, or national was amplified into the universal. Indeed, that was the beginning of Christianity. The tribal crisis of Jews under the Roman Empire spawned a new spirituality that reformulated elements of tribal Judaism into universal Christianity. If Jews insisted on the Old Testament as a tribal ethno-narrative, Christians(the early members of whom were all Jews) interpreted its events and happenings as preparations for the universal faith of Jesus the Messiah.

In the modern era, certain local or national events were mythologized to have larger meaning and repercussions, not least because most modern movements tended to be fueled by Enlightenment Ideas. Thus, the local events of the American Revolution or ‘1776’ came to reverberate far and wide, a shot heard around the world for liberty. The French Revolution soon became the template for the liberation of all of Europe. And, the Russian Revolution was promoted as epochal and global, its seismic energies meant to rearrange the power structures of the entire world. Even the Mexican Revolution had such an appeal, with non-Mexicans flocking there to take part, as also happened with the Spanish Civil War wherein the international brigades didn’t see it merely as a local Spanish affair but a war for all humanity. And many in the West have been made to feel that way about Ukraine: You see, it’s about ‘democracy’ and ‘Western values’(like celebrating homo-fecal penetration and fisting) against revanchist Russian autocracy and the ambitions of Putin as Putler, or New Hitler.

No doubt the Palestinian Struggle has similar implications around the world. Rather than regarding it as a conflict between Jews and Palestinians, many on the Left see it as a form of Anglo-Zionist neo-imperialism and the insatiable bloodlust of the war industries; and many on the Right see it as yet another manifestation of Jewish Supremacist madness to dominate the world, i.e. all the goyim of the world are figuratively ‘Palestinians’ endangered by Jewish Supremacist power and perfidy.
Palestinians themselves understand the global value of their struggle even though the Jews control rules of ‘globalism’. Thus, Palestinians must at once keep the struggle intensely national(ist), as their priority is to reclaim parts of what was once Palestine, and engage with the world community for sympathy and support. But the danger of globalizing or universalizing any local or tribal struggle is that its priorities may be altered, lose sight of the original objectives, and become subsumed into a generic agenda, much of which is at odds with nationalism. It certainly was the case when the Jewish struggle against the Roman Empire turned into Christianity that transcended all tribal loyalties. While your tribal folk may appeal to the world community for support, the world community may expect and even demand your folk to favor its generic global agenda over a ‘narrow’ nationalist one.

Ireland succumbed to the globalization of nationalism, whereby the New Irishness is defined not by Ireland-for-the-Irish and the preservation of Irish history & territory but by national purpose rendered into a universal abstract, one that could apply to just about anyone. In other words, anyone who speaks the words of ‘resistance’ and ‘decolonization’ may be deemed ‘spiritually Irish’ and welcomed to Ireland as its future citizens. Thus, Irishness is no longer about roots and continuum but about trends and fashions, more about attitude and posturing.

In a way, the spread of black music hastened this change in consciousness. If the Irish who imitate blacks see themselves as essentially or soulfully black, who’s to say anyone who adopts an abstract form of Irishness isn’t Irish? Just like Americanism is now shorn of roots and simply means anyone willing to adopt the latest fads in ‘American values’, Irishness is no longer about race, ethnicity, culture, and history but about ‘resistance’ and ‘revolution’, the themes of which are now dictated by the global academia/media that are controlled directly or indirectly by Jews.
Thus, Irishness is now indistinguishable from Britishness, German-ness, Spanishness, Swedishness, American-ness, Mexican-ness, and etc. that are all about the same set of idols and narratives: Judeo-Centrism, GloboHomo, and Negrolatry. The Irish may still be pugnacious in their peculiar way, but it’s more like ‘cucknacious’ as their current rages have been predetermined by others, especially the Jews, to ultimately destroy Ireland and turn it into yet another variation of Soros-Land.

It’s all a bit strange as the Irish, more than most Europeans, have been rather resistant to the Judeo-centric view of things, especially as their struggle had long been aligned with those of the Palestinians, black South Africans, and others at odds with the Anglo-Zionist Empire. Even to this day, the type of the Irish who are the most vocal supporters of the Jewish Supremacist globalist agenda may be heard mouthing slogans that are anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian. In most Western countries, the goy-globalist elites are almost entirely pro-Zionist and prone to caricature the Palestinian struggle as little more than ‘Hamas Terrorism’, but the discourse is somewhat different in Ireland, even in high circles(though, to be sure, there are plenty of total cucks of Zion there as well). Perhaps, it’s just lip-service among most Irish political figures, as is the case among most Arab elites in the Middle East: All Talk, No Walk.
The political discussion is so often confused. When the Irish condemn the actions of the Zionists against the Palestinians, which side do they associate the Irish with? Are the Irish like the Palestinians, what with their own experience of victimhood under colonization and imperialist tyranny? Or do they feel that the Irish(or at least Irish Nationalists) are akin to the Zionists given their hostility toward the nonwhite newcomers? If Palestine was wiped off the map due to ceaseless Jewish immigration, might not the Irish meet the same fate as the result of mass immigration? Or the Irish being white, do the Irish feel that they too must atone for ‘white privilege’ and open their small nation to the Third World?

But even if sincere on the part of the Irish, it’s indicative of the devious mechanisms of Jewish Power that, when it cannot secure direct support outright, uses proxies to make the defiant entities support Jewish-controlled agendas nevertheless, thereby making them at least partly entangled and indebted to Jewish guidance and largesse.
It’s why GloboHomo has been so crucial to Jewish Power. By turning the Irish into a bunch of cucks to Sodomania, Jewish Power weakened Irish national power and unity, rendering them easier to manipulate at the global level. Besides, plenty of Irish surely drank the Kool-Aid that Jewish Israel is preferable to those ‘Muslims’ who don’t celebrate ‘Pride’, which is now more sacred and dear to the majority of the Irish than the Catholic Church ever was.

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