Saturday, December 17, 2022

Alex Jones vs Nick Fuentes on the JQ and HQ(Or Hitler Question)

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We believe Alex Jones’ genuine revulsion for Hitler(and other tyrants), but there is more to ‘Hitler’ than Hitler, indeed from the fact that he’s singled out as the worst of the worst. For Jews, the answer is obvious. Not only did Hitler kill Jews but conceived of a post-Christian political culture that came closest to replicating Jewish tribal-supremacism. (Had Hitler killed millions without targeting Jews, the Jewish-controlled academia and media would make far less of his evil. Always a game of who/whom.) As for respectable ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ whites, Hitlerism is a pornography of white power, i.e. Hitler’s brazenness spelled out the true nature of imperialism and conquest, thus denuding the West of its self-serving myths; after all, it wasn’t 1776 alone but the ‘genocide’ of the natives that made America what it became. Western Imperialism of the Christian or Liberal variety was often legitimized on grounds of sharing the faith and spreading progress, but when push came to shove, the natives were ruthlessly mowed down and, in some cases, replaced by whites and their compradors; there was also the massive exploitation of black slavery in North and South American colonies. So, if Hitlerism strategically mirrored Jewish tribal-supremacism, it also held up a dark mirror to the West that expanded on grounds of racial supremacism but preferred to believe otherwise. In a similar vein, American Jews are most triggered by the outspoken far-right politics in Israel, not because they oppose the Jewish Supremacist program of Zionism per se but because the sheer brazenness of ultra-right rhetoric gives the game away: The essence of Zionism isn’t about ‘democracy’, ‘socialism’, ‘western values’, or even ‘nationalism’; it’s really a Jewish Master Race ideology and gaining hegemony over all the world.

‘Hitler’, as opposed to the historical Hitler, is more than a modern dictator, the war-monger responsible for the bloodiest war in human history, and the architect of a dark ideology of racial supremacism. ‘Hitler’ has become the secular equivalent of Satan(as Richard Spencer explains in the short introductory excerpt). As such ‘Hitler’ is bigger than history and morality. It’s a trope, an incantation. Consider how many times ‘Hitler’ has been invoked by the Powers-That-Be to justify, ironically to put it mildly, all the wars and atrocities in the name of ‘democracy’ and ‘war on terror’, which are, beneath the rhetorical surface, neo-imperialist actions in service to yet another form of supremacism, that of the so-called ‘neocons’ who are Jewish-Zionist master-racers who employ nihilism for tribalism’s sake. As Madeleine Albright said, it was ‘worth it’ to kill a half million Arab children. Just remember, all you good ladies and gents(and people of 60 other genders in the West), the blood sacrifice of Arab children wasn’t for imperialism and supremacism but for ‘democracy’ and the ‘rules-based order’.

Indeed, pure nihilists would be preferable in their principled amorality for amorality’s sake, whereas the Supremites(supremacist-Semites) weaponize the most cynical nihilism possible against goyim to maximize Jewish Supremacism. By rhetoric, the US is about ‘democracy’ and ‘diversity-equity-inclusion’, but the walk, as opposed to the talk, says the US is governed by the Jewish Master Race ideology that employs homos as commissars and blacks as cossacks.

Now, Adolf Hitler was a dark figure simmering with extreme visions and pathological impulses. There was something demonic that drove him to greatness and madness. Nick Fuentes is right about Hitler’s admirable(and even enviable) qualities but overlooks a darkness that was far deeper than his bright spots.

A caller to the program asked Alex Jones if Western Europe would have turned out better had the Germans won the war. It’s a tempting question given the dire state of the current West. But there’s no guarantee that the West wouldn’t eventually have taken a decadent and degenerate turn even with German victory. After all, communist takeover of Eastern Europe couldn’t halt the march of Western degeneracy. And Franco’s traditionalist right-wing regime only forestalled the soulless degeneracy that now pervades Spain. Sparta prevailed over Athens, but Sparta fell too within a generation. Nothing lasts forever. Who could have foreseen that the radical Maoist China would go the way of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms and market economy?

Still, concerning only the Western/Central part of Europe(excepting Poland), one could argue German victory would have been better; but then, supposing Stalin somehow swept through all of Western Europe(and UK) in 1945, that too would have been preferable to the trajectory of Western Europe in the past several decades. In retrospect, Germany would have done better united under East German than West German rule.
Anyway, here’s the rub. Nazi victory would have been something entirely different for the East. German conquest of Russia would have paved the way for the single greatest crime in European History, possibly in human history. The main theater of bloodbath in WWII wasn’t in the West, where generally fewer people died than in World War I. What made World War II the greatest war in was the epic confrontation between Germany and the Soviet Union, one which went beyond ideological differences and territorial squabbles. It was a winner-take-all ‘race war’ of enslavement and extermination. The Pacific War was also a race war of sorts, a clash between White America and Yellow Japan. But despite all the hatred and blood thirst, the US had no grand plan of exterminating and/or enslaving the entire Japanese people upon victory.

Still, Hitler has to be appraised as a historical figure, not some Evil Incarnate, a spiritual concept. ‘Hitler’ turns the historical Hitler into Satan, which allows for political invocations, usually opportunistic, to justify whatever the Jewish-controlled US empire covets. By turning Hitler into ‘Hitler’, a figure of absolute evil, politics becomes a cartoonish binary of good and evil: The ‘muh democracy’ of the US against whatever is demonized as the ‘new hitler’.
Never mind Jews are the foremost practitioners of the Master Race ideology. Just ask the Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians, the ‘deplorables'(too many of whom are still dumb enough to bleat ‘muh Israel’), Russians(who’ve been targeted since the end of the Cold War), and the civilians of the Donbass regions shelled ceaselessly by Sub-Nazi types allied with Jews. The alliance of Neocons and ‘Ukro-Nazis’, or the Neoconazi Phenomenon, illuminates the depths of Jewish megalomania that will even recruit neo- and sub-nazi morons as muscle to attack Russia as one of the few sovereign countries in the world that can say NO to Jewish Hegemony.

Because ‘Hitler’ has so often been the go-to excuse for Jews and their Anglo-cucks, it’s time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Hitler was a sinister figure but a man of history, not the lord of hell. He wasn’t the devil at war with angels. Josef Stalin was comparably evil, and the evil of Jewish Supremacism did its share to bring about World War II. Besides, what made Hitler so formidable was he happened to be the leader of an advanced industrial power with a large pool of capable men; if Albania had produced a hitler, it would have been a joke.

Increasingly over the years, the British Narrative of WWII is that of a war to ‘save Jews’ and combat ‘racism/supremacism’, but it’s ret-conning of actual history, not least to score points with the Jewish Masters of the UK. In truth, British policy was in keeping with a long history of ‘balance of powers’ on the Continent. Besides, it was less out of sympathy for beleaguered Jews under German occupation than for rich and powerful Jews above British politicians. Jews had become partners-in-crime of Anglos in the imperial game.
Also, even though British racial attitudes weren’t as extreme as the Nazi ideology, the Anglos were obviously triggered by the forthright brazenness of Hitler who, in a way, spilled the beans on the essence of Western Imperialism. The Anglos upheld a supremacism of their own in their non-white colonies and carried out genocides or semi-genocides in parts of the world, especially Australia and the Americas but disingenuously flattered themselves as beneficent civilizers(which they were too but only as half-truth).
An honest thief triggers the con-artist who keeps it under the table. (It’s like Joe Pesci’s Tommy in GOODFELLAS was too much of ‘cowboy’ who gave the game away and had to be dealt with to keep up appearances.)

Furthermore, Nazi Germany vs World Jewry wasn’t a game of supremacism vs egalitarianism but supremacism vs supremacism, of which there should be no doubt in light of the nature of Jewish Power since World War II. Jews took over as the new elites in the US, and what has been the result? Equality for all groups or the rise of neo-hierarchy where Jewish Power is virtually above the law and served by brown-nosing Anglos and their ilk who suck up to the Jews like like Johnny Ola to Hyman Roth(in THE GODFATHER Pt 2)? The Zionist project certainly wasn’t about equality between Jews and Palestinians. Neocon and Neolib wars concocted by Jews(via control of both political parties, intelligence services, and media) always favored Zion over whomever Jews happen to hate. Do Americans, most of whom have been thoroughly brainwashed by Jewish monopoly of flow of info, ever ponder why Russia came to clash with the US and West? Do Americans even about Russia in the 1990s or what Neoconazis have done to Ukraine, especially since the Maidan coup of 2014?

The ‘Hitler’ trope has compromised Russia as well. Pushed to the edge by Jews, you’d think Putin would finally address the JQ as the diabolical force leading the world to the brink of World War III(where goyim slaughter goyim while Jews watch from atop with hideous glee), but he justified the SMO(Special Military Operation) as a means to ‘de-Nazify’ Ukraine. Yes, there are Naziesque types there, but they are mere dimwit muscle of the Jewish Mastermind.

Because of the metaphysics of ‘Hitler’, Russia perpetuates the myth that the ‘neo-nazis’ are calling the shots in Ukraine and that Russians, as the moral brethren of Jews and other historical victims of Nazi Evil, are rooting out the poison weed. But, Jews were no less supremacist, which they are to this day(at an even higher pathological level because, whereas German supremacism was utterly condemned, the Jewish kind was given moral cover via the Anne Frank cult). It’s the Jews who’ve instigated semi-genocidal Wars for Zion in the Middle East. If not for Russia, where would Syria be today? It was the Jews who exploited Russia in the 90s and have been doing everything to destroy the its economy. Jews as the Master Race engineered a coup in Ukraine and installed puppets and gangsters to murder civilians in the Donbass. Yet, because of the ‘Hitler’ mythology, even Putin and Russian elites are under historical pressure to tone down honest talk of Jewish Power and and instead yap about the ‘Nazis’.

It’s all the more pathetic because, despite Russian condemnation of Nazi Germany and its horrors against Jews, there is ZERO reciprocity among Jews for Russians who were also targeted for extermination/enslavement and died in the greatest numbers in World War Ii. If anything, the Jewish view of Slavs is the flipside of the Nazi view. (But then, given Jewish Power pushes White Nakba and ‘Diversity’ on the entire West, it doesn’t think very highly of Western Whites either who are being dispossessed of land, deposed in power, dehumanized by ideology, degraded via globo-homo, and disoriented via ‘diversity’.)

Russians say they’re fighting the ‘nazis’, the kind that killed innocent Jews in World War II, but Jews are cheering on the ‘nazis’ to kill as many Russkies as possible. Jews seem delighted by news of dead Russians, much like Israelis get high on the deaths of women and children in Gaza.

Time has come to retire the ‘Hitler’ trope. As it’s especially associated with ‘muh holocaust’, it has a way of portraying Jews, the most powerful and most murderous people in the world, as pure-as-snow eternal innocent victims than as major historical players in their own right who did their share to bring about World War II. The ‘Hitler’ trope enables Jewish Power and their cucks to constantly invoke ‘Hitler’ to justify never-ending wars and terror, as well as increasing surveillance and censorship in the West. Jewish Power acts like ‘Hitler’ but justify its agendas as wars on ‘New Hitlers’.

We need to confront the Hitler of History, not the ‘Hitler’ of demonology. Of course, we certainly don’t need the ridiculous counter-myth of the ‘Good Hitler’ or ‘Cool Hitler’. A sober consideration of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism can discuss the positive, even outstanding, features of the man and movement, but let’s not pretend Der Fuhrer was some saint or misunderstood hero.

In the debate, Alex Jones regurgitated the oft-repeated truisms about the Third Reich, such as Hitler as gun-grabber. This wasn’t true. (Some argue Jews in Germany would have been secure with more guns. When outnumbered 99 to 1, guns are useless. Jews are anti-gun in the US because they are outnumbered but pro-gun in Israel because they are the great majority.) Hitler-grabbed-guns is one of the memes that just won’t go away, illustrating that those on the ‘right’ can be just as mendacious or gullible as those on the ‘left’.

Jones argued that the leftists, the real enemy, wrap themselves with Judaism or Jewishness as moral protection, but he got it backwards. The dominant power in the West is Jewish Supremacism, not leftism. In truth, Jews wrap themselves in ‘leftism’. Jewish Power is essentially ultra-rightist in its obsession with Master Race outlook, tribal zealotry, and near-genocidal imperialism. But, Jews package their true agenda with bogus ‘liberalism’(as with Chuck Schumer who is ever so cozy with far-right Benjamin Netanyahu) and ‘leftism’(the bogus kind that replaced real leftism with racial-supremacist Negrolatry and hyper-capitalist Globo-Homo; indeed, what now goes by the name of ‘leftism’ is usually celebrating vain homos who cater to oligarchs and the deep state).
Jews use the smoke-n-mirrors of DEI, or ‘diversity-equity-inclusion’, but ‘diversity’ is only for goy nations as Jewish divide-and-rule tactic, ‘equity’ means whites forever sucking up to blacks controlled by Jews — it never means noticing Jews are the richest and most unequal group in the US or calling for equal treatment of Jews and Palestinians/Arabs by US foreign policy — , and ‘inclusion’ means favoring whatever groups and voices vetted by Jews while excluding those that displease or threaten Jews. It certainly doesn’t mean including more BDS voices. Did Jones really think these matters through? True leftism is about more equality, not more concentration of power for capitalist oligarchs and ultra-tribalists. Survey globalism over the several decades, and the super-rich get super-richer while Jewish Supremacism is now at hyper-gangster level.

In typical boomer fashion(though he’s really part of ‘Generation X’), Jones says his hero is MLK who stood for colorblind justice. Jones claims to see past the BS, but he’s like Glenn Beck(and mainstream ‘conservatism’) in idolizing MLK as something he was not. Sure, MLK did make speeches about ‘the content of character than color of the skin’, but he was totally for Affirmative Action and race-based agenda for blacks. MLK simply made his message more palatable to whites by appealing to a generic sense of fairness. Characterizing the essence of MLK-ism with the phrase ‘content of character’ is like pretending Jefferson was some radical egalitarian on the basis of ‘All men are created equal.’ In truth, Thomas Jefferson was a race-ist who believed in group differences and had no use for equality between whites and blacks.

Now, one could argue that MLK had good reasons for demanding certain reparatory justice for blacks given the history of discrimination and social disadvantages faced by blacks. If indeed whites and blacks are equal in all respects but skin color, several decades of remedial policies and programs may have bridged the gap. But, hopes through such rose-tinted glasses were bound to run aground because racial differences are real, with blacks being lower in IQ and higher in impulsiveness.
This is why both the ‘right’ and the ‘left’ have been bonkers on the issue. The libertarian ‘right’ has argued that Affirmative Action suppresses black ability with the ‘bigotry of low expectations’. So, something like ‘school choice’ will fix the problem, and blacks will be acing tests in no time.
Meanwhile, the egalitarian ‘left’ has argued the notion of racial differences is just prejudice, therefore, the ONLY reason for black underachievement is ‘racism’.

Still, foolish as libertarians and egalitarians are, they are nevertheless principled in sticking to their guns. More individual liberty to encourage black initiative or more social programs to lend blacks a hand.
But what really prevails on the Black Issue is a kind of idolatry, or Negrolatry, that defies ideology. This idolatry looks upon blacks as magical, wonderful, and even superior, along with Jews and homos. Such idolatry has so many whites(and non-blacks) cheering for blacks to win in everything because they deserve more than the rest of humanity; or, we must make Wakanda come true because blacks are so badass. Suppose black IQ suddenly jumped by 50 pts and blacks became 70% of Ivy League schools based on meritocracy. The Negrolators wouldn’t complain about black over-representation and would be celebrating black domination, just like they see nothing wrong with black domination of sports.

Alex Jones contends that the real power is with institutions like WEF and individuals like Bill Gates and his ilk, many of them goyim. But ask yourself… has the WEF condemned Zionism, the rape of Russia in the 1990s(by mostly Jewish globalists), the disenfranchisement of the Palestinians, Israel’s aid to ISIS to destroy Syria, spread of globo-homo degeneracy, the use of BLM & Antifa to terrorize cities with anti-white pogroms, and the US aid to sub-nazi types in Ukraine? Isn’t it rather odd that all the policies of WEF are either aligned with Jewish Supremacist interests or, at the very least, not at odds? If indeed WEF is independent of Jewish power and interests, why is it always so mindful to be good graces with World Jewry?
Klaus Schwab did once spout a sentiment that was faintly pro-Palestinian, but he was soon groveling before the Jews like a sappy dog. As for goy oligarchs like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, sure they are rich and have immense pull of a sort… but they don’t control the ‘gods’, the themes and idols of what’s sacred and what’s profane. Also, we can bash goy oligarchs all we want. But say something about Soros, and you are attacked as an ‘Anti-Semite’. Indeed, the MAIN reason why Jews used the Sandy Hook controversy to destroy Alex Jones ws because he ragged on powerful Jews(even if he was careful not to name the Jewish Power and only attacked them as individuals).

Also, real power isn’t ceremonial. Bilderberg Group members may periodically convene at a gathering, but the real power is what happens every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week and in the direction decided by those who control the ‘gods’. It’s about non-stop communication and coordination, as well as a sense of unanimity, a totality of mindset and methodology most prevalent among Jewish elites across academia, media, entertainment, finance, law, government, and deep state(across many countries), not least because Jews are interconnected not only by ideas and professions but by blood: A Jew in finance related to a Jew in law related to a Jew in the State Department related to a Jew in Hollywood related to a Jew in Las Vegas and so on.

Alex Jones says Jews don’t constitute a monolith, but we aren’t talking of all Jews but the main thrust of Jewish Power, which, to any honest person, is monomaniacal in tribal supremacism and paranoia. There are genuine dissident Jews, but they only exist at the margins, much like German dissidents in the National Socialist era. Even the well-known Norman Finkelstein has limited reach, and most powerful Jews, ‘left’ and ‘right’ work together to suppress the likes of him. Jews who condemn prejudice against Jews are promoted, but Jews who condemn all kinds of prejudice, even the Zionist kind against Palestinians, are condemned.

Usually, powerful ‘liberal’ Jews work with ‘conservative’ Jews to silence and suppress genuine dissident Jews. Bill Maher is supposedly a ‘liberal’ Jew but cavorts with far-right Benjamin Netanyahu who, in turn, schmoozes with both the ‘left’ and ‘right’ in Congress. Most goy whores of Jews certainly know how the game is played. While ‘conservatives’ accuse Nancy Pelosi of being ‘far left’(LOL), she always flag-waves for ultra-right Israel. Netanyahu recently won yet another election by allying with ultra-right elements, but what chance is there that ‘liberal’ politicians in the US will cut off ‘aid’(which is really a tribute) to Israel? Just like Neolib Jews gave cover to Neocon Jews, Neocon Jews sided with Neolib Jews against Donald Trump even though Trump was a total pro-Zionist; his mildly anti-war stance was sufficient to make the Neocons work with the Democrats. Imagine that. Neocon Jews went over to the Democratic Party in the Trump years because it was more receptive to warmongering.

As for Hasidim and Chabad Jews, they are tolerated by Jewish Power to serve as emissaries of Jewish Hegemony. The Jewish Hegemonic Rule is as follows: If you don’t agree with the Jewish globalist ‘liberal’ agenda 100%, then at the very least kiss the ass of the Chabad or Hasidic Jews to prove that you still hold the Jews as holy. “If you won’t suck my d***, at least kiss my cousin’s ass.” Besides, even if Hasidim, Chabad, or Orthodox Jews are conservative, their worldview is predicated on tribal supremacism and contempt for goyim. It’s been said the biggest funeral in Israel was for an ultra-conservative Rabbi who said goyim exist only to serve Jews and it’s okay to kill a goy to harvest his organs for a Jew. It’s certainly (ultra)’rightist’ but makes even Nazism seem mild by comparison.

Indeed, rightism, premised on particularism, doesn’t make for compatibility on a large scale. Rather, rightists around the world get along best when they acknowledge their differences and respect one another’s borders, or “you do your thing in your space, we do our thing in our space.” Not that leftism/universalism always makes for world peace or mutual understanding. Christianity, Islam, communism, and libertarianism are all universalist but don’t see eye to eye. Multi-polar world order is essentially rightist as it calls for world peace and mutual understanding based on civilizations having different values, traditions, interests, and narratives. Does that mean globalism is leftist in seeking a universal one-size-fits-all world order? Only superficially. Scratch the surface, and current globalism is actually ultra-rightist as an instrument of Jewish Supremacism. Globalism deracinates whites only to make them submit to Jewish Master Race ideology. Globalism erases goy nationalities and borders but demands that all goyim honor Jewishness and defend Zion. So, the current struggle isn’t between ‘right’ and ‘left’ but between right and ultra-right.

Contrary to Alex Jones’ contention that Left-wing Jews persecute right-wing Jews in Israel, the fact is Israel has grown increasingly right-wing over the years. Indeed, the two main parties are both right-wing, and the Jewish Left has been going extinct in Israel. Besides, even the original left-leaning Zionist founders were National Socialists, not universal socialists. Their socialism was for the Jewish Nation, not for Jews and Arabs alike. Zionism was a synthesis of economic leftism and ethno-rightism. While Israel is officially a secular nation, it provides special privileges to religious Jews, not least because they have the most kids to offset the population growth among Arabs, thereby avoiding the fate of the white Afrikaners in South Africa who became outnumbered by blacks via birth rates and migrations.

Nick Fuentes says the problem with Jews is they are the ONLY people who came to America with a deep-seated hatred for Christianity. He says Muslims revere Jesus as a great prophet, and other cultures are either respectful or neutral. In contrast, Jews see Jesus as a punk boiling in excrement and semen for all eternity. Fuentes says the problem is rooted in the religiosity of Jewish immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But this isn’t true. If anything, the most problematic Jews weren’t the religious ones but the radical secular ones, usually associated with socialism, communism, or anarchism. It wasn’t the rabbinical Jews, whatever they may have felt about Jesus or Christianity, who led in political agitation, bomb-throwing, spying for communist Russia, and the like. As for the culturally subversive Jews, they too were mostly secular and materialist. And if they felt as Jews, it was mainly an ethnic badge of honor than about spiritual matters.

Nick Fuentes says he doesn’t care about the Holocaust because history is full of tragedies and sad stories. So, why all this talk of Jews, Jews, Jews and the Holocaust? Indeed, Norman Finkelstein has also argued that the obsession with the Holocaust Narrative has blinded the West to other tragedies and injustices.
Furthermore, the great irony of our age is that Jews invoke the Holocaust to push a Master Race supremacy of their own. Jews used to say ‘never again’, but Jewish-globalist war-mongering since the end of the Cold War amounted to ‘again and again’, except that Jews don’t care about goyim being destroyed in great numbers as long as the Jewish Agenda is served. It’s one thing to mourn the Jews killed in WWII but perversely quite another for Jews to use their dead in the Shoah as moral cover to kill countless others to serve what is essentially a Judeo-Nazi or Neoconazi program.

By the way, Fuentes is being somewhat disingenuous on the subject. After all, it was Christianity itself that perfected the art of eternal victimhood, replaying in sermon, song, and drama the death of Christ and the martyrdom of the Early Christians. Countless paintings, verses, stories, and compositions reminded Christendom of the crucifixion of Jesus(by Jews & Romans) and the persecution of the Christians served as cat chow to the lions.
If Christians kept this violin going for 2,000 yrs, why shouldn’t Jews cleverly turn the Holocaust into a secular religion and milk it the same way for all its worth? When Fuentes says “Christ Is King”, it’s not really all that different from Jews saying “Holocaust is god”. Christians like Fuentes can’t get over Jesus, the Son of God, having been murdered by the JOOS. And Jews can’t get enough of rubbing white/Christian nose in the mass-murder of the ‘six million’, or the Cru-Six-fiction.

And while National Socialism was essentially pagan(and Hitler had little use for Christianity), the fact remains that ‘antisemitism’ among Germans was rooted in Christian tradition(just as Jewish contempt for goyim is rooted in Judaic tradition). And plenty of Christian Germans supported Hitler out of nationalism, revanchism, materialism, and/or revulsion for Jews. Even Christians with grave reservations about National Socialism regarded it as the lesser evil, even a necessary evil, against Bolshevism and/or Jewish subversion. After all, whereas the commies were smashing churches and persecuting(and even murdering) religious folks, the Nazis at the very least tolerated the Christian community, as did the Italian Fascists with their Lateran Pact. National Socialism wasn’t Christian, and Christianity sure isn’t ‘nazi’, but they did make common cause in parts of Europe against communism and Jews. But given Jews are now working with sub-nazi elements in Ukraine, they’ve pretty much lost all credibility when it comes to ‘muh holocaust’.

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