Sunday, January 9, 2022

"Jewish Leftist" is a Misnomer — Jewish Power is Ultra-Rightist, Supremacist, and Imperialist — How Jewish Power Re-Coded the West from Pro-White to Anti-White and the Dire Consequences

If Jews call MacDonald a ‘white supremacist’, why doesn’t he react in kind and call them ‘Jewish Supremacist’ like David Duke does? Jews are clearly tribal-supremacist. Just ask the Palestinians.

Also, can we just drop the habit of calling these Jews ‘leftists’ or ‘radicals’? If so-called Jewish ‘leftists’ have been profoundly Jewish and put Jewishness uber alles, they should be regarded as essentially rightist or even ultra-rightist. Calling them ‘leftist’ because they held some leftist views or ideas in the past(or pretend to in the present) would be like arguing National Socialism was LEFTIST because of the ‘socialism’. (Of course, some idiots make that very case, though I think it's acceptable to designate fascism as left-right, which is what works best; for proof, look to Jewish Power that combines leftism and rightism than sets them against one another.)

Now, were there genuine Jewish leftists? Yes, and many of them sincerely abandoned Jewishness and joined with humanity. Many Soviet Jews just race-mixed with goyim and became part of Russian folks. And over history, some Jews became Muslims or Christians.

But plenty of Jews affected leftist outlooks as a means to weaken goy racial identity. Stanley Kauffmann the famous theater/film critic said he gravitated toward communism in the 30s because, during the Great Depression, the future seemed headed to either communism and fascism. For Jews, communism seemed the safer bet even if not ideal, not least because Jews played a prominent role in the Soviet Union whereas fascism became associated with Antisemitism with the rise of National Socialism — Italian Fascism in its original incarnation wasn't anti-Jewish.

Jews rule the West, and their power needs to be exposed. Jews hide the power by pretending to be ‘leftist’, and depressingly, so many rightists and white advocates actually do Jews a favor by using that label, thus creating the impression that people like George Soros, Chuck Schumer, and Hollywood bigshots are ‘leftist’.

No, Jews are ultra-rightist imperialists, and their so-called ‘alliances’ are just a means to fool, manipulate, and exploit goyim. Just like the British Empire and French Empire used one set of subjects against others, Jews do the same. British used Hindus in Africa, French used African troops in Vietnam. Likewise, Jews use White Christian Soldiers to invade Muslim lands but also use BLM thugs to attack and intimidate whites. For sure, Jews push Diversity because it weakens goyim while strengthening themselves. Just like the British Empire exploited divisions in India, not least between Hindus and Muslims, to maintain its dominance, Jews use Diversity the same way. More divisions among goyim means Jews get to toy with them. Diversity is undermining of ideology, and Jews want it that way because their top priority is power, not principles. By playing divide-and-rule, Jews can override any ideological concern.

We come closer to the truth ONLY IF we call most Jews what they really are: ultra-right Jewish supremacists in ‘leftist’ or ‘progressive’ clothing. Jews are for ‘equity’? ROTFL.
That must be why Merrick Garland, who calls white Trump voters ‘terrorists’, is all about equal justice for Israeli Jews and Palestinians – NOT! No, Jewish attitude toward whites is akin to their attitude toward Palestinians. Both are seen as subject peoples, and if they resist, they are labeled as ‘terrorists’.

Would true leftists do such a thing? Leftism has a lot of faults, but its one saving grace is universal values and equal justice. There is NOTHING in current Jewish Power that is for equal dignity and respect for all of humanity. The likes of Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff are ultra-rightist Jews who hide behind ‘progressive’ facades. And Jews use BLM just like British Empire used foreign troops to subjugate people in the colonies.

In the massacre scene in GANDHI, those soldiers firing at the crowd of protesters are not local Hindus. Today, Jewish Power uses white soldiers in similar manner to destroy the Middle East, and Jews bring in tons of immigrant-invaders as replacist hordes against whites.

The real fight isn’t between the White Right and the Jewish Left. WE NEED TO STOP USING THAT TERM, 'Jewish Leftist'. The real battle is between white(or goy) right vs Jewish ultra-right. White Right, most of it anyway, is nationalist and wants white homelands for whites and, furthermore, respects the national rights of other peoples, i.e. let nonwhites defend their own homelands. Most white rightists will side with nonwhite nationalists against Western aggression. Unlike most Jews who support all manifestations of Jewish Power and Jewish hegemonism over all the goy world, the white right has a very limited view of white power, i.e. it should be dominant only in white lands, and let other peoples determine their own destinies. Thus, white right is anti-ultra-rightist.

Ultra-rightism is supremacist, predicated on the notion of "We are so superior that we have some divine right to rule over all of yous", and currently it is Jewish Power that fits this mold. Jews not only impugn white identity and white territoriality but those of others as well. Look what Jewish Power has done to Libya, Syria, Iraq, and etc. Their lands have been smashed and their peoples have been pushed into the West that's been guilt-baited into taking in 'refugees' created by Wars for Israel. Consider how Jewish Power compels all Americans to sanction Iran while also forcing them to send their taxes to Israel, a nation with illegal nukes that continues to occupy Palestinian territories. And notice how BDS is suppressed all over the US. Even the Constitutional right to boycott Israel is denied to Americans. So much for Jewish leftism and liberalism!

White Right wants whites living peacefully in their own lands and Arabs/Muslims living peacefully in their own lands. Jewish Ultra-Right wants whites to be replaced in their own lands and for white cucks to fight Wars for Israel to destroy any nation or people hated by Jews/Israel.

Jewish morality is garbage. So, Jews will say Russia is aggressing in Ukraine when it was Jews who engineered a coup in Ukraine and created the crisis in the first place. Jews will say there is ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang as a human rights issue, but NO ONE better say anything about the Zionist ‘genocide’ of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. One thing for sure, China tries to do more for Uighurs than Israel for Palestinians.

Using ‘Jewish’ and ‘Left’ together is music to Jewish ears. Jewish Power loves to hear that word-melody because it lends the false impression that Jewish Power is ‘progressive’ and at odds with ‘far right white supremacism’.
What Jews fear most is being outed as ULTRA-RIGHTIST IMPERIALIST SUPREMACISTS. Instead of calling Jewish Power ‘leftist’, call it ‘left-masked’ or ‘left-larping’. It’s a con-game, like what goes on in David Mamet’s films.

There were true Jewish leftists in the past, but most of them either melded into goy society through assimilation or intermarriage, returned to tribalism via Zionism, or came to love capitalism out of Jewish Pride(as it was capitalism that made Jews the masters of the world).

Even now, there are genuine Jewish leftists like Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate. Though misguided on many issues, they seem principled and sincere. But such Jews have zero power.

Jewish Power in the Democratic Party and GOP is totally ultra-right imperialist supremacist.
So, how about we stop using the ‘left’ label to describe Jewish Power?

I don’t care if Stephen Gould grew up sitting on the laps of his Marxist father. He was a Jewish supremacist through and through from the looks of it. His ‘anti-racism’ was just obfuscation to misdirect people from the reasons for Jewish Power, ie. there is a genetic factor. And the same goes for Richard Lewontin as well.

But as long as Jewish Power goes on being called ‘leftist’, it will go on humming along with the support of all those idiot 'progressive' white cucks.

Imagine you’re a Satanist who pretends to be a Christian to serve the Dark Lord, but your enemies keep referring to you as a ‘Christian’. Wouldn't you just love it?

It can begin with a new policy at Occidental Observer. No more calling Jewish Power ‘leftist’. Start calling Jewish Power ultra-rightist, imperialist, and supremacist. That will give ADL panic attacks. Nothing will freak out Jewish Supremacists like being labeled as FAR-RIGHT, thereby undermining the pretense of their uniting humanity against 'racism' or 'white supremacism'.

What distinguished Europe, Canada, and Australia from the US was they were far more white, indeed almost entirely so. This was once a point of pride, especially because, for all their own problems, they didn't have the debilitating Race Problem of the US.

But Jews took over the US and made 'white' a dirty word. As the US was the premier power over the Western World, its ideas influenced all others. And because blacks gained stardom as athletes and singers in the US, the rest of the West eyed the US with envy and wanted cool/badass blacks of their own. Finally, as they were under the economic and military domination of American power, they looked to the black issue as the one chance with which to gain moral upper-hand over Americans, i.e. US may be great in many things but is tainted with the sin of SLAVERY and 'racism' against blacks. So, Canada, Europe, and Australia would show the world how decent they are by welcoming blacks and treating them so nice... unlike those gun-toting, lynch-mobbing, and bigoted redneck Americans. But of course, they are ending up with the SAME PROBLEMS because, contrary to the PC narrative, the Black Problem in the US isn't primarily due to past 'racism' and mistreatment of blacks but to BAMMAMA or blacks are more muscular and more aggressive(due to evolution). Europe can welcome tons of black Africans with open arms and smiley faces, but the end-result will be pretty much like Detroit and Baltimore.

But as long as Jews control media, academia, and the deep state in the West(and as long as they find the black whip effective as a means to guilt-bait whites into subservience), the false narrative will carry on. In the long run, it will destroy not only the US but the West. As the European Continent is right above Africa teeming with crazy Negroes, it may go bad BEFORE the US and Canada. This is the most horrible Mass Psychosis Formation to ever hit the West.

Ideas and idolatry do matter in that they have the power to reprogram a civilization. It's like the re-coding of the Roman Empire from Pagan to Christian led to profound changes: It went from mercilessly hunting down Christians to smashing Pagan Temples and forcing everyone to worship Jesus. Change the code, and the ship turns around and goes in the other direction. Consider Russia. Once it was re-coded as Marxist, the very people who used to worship God and Jesus were blowing up churches and turning monasteries into barns. Code-changing is fundamental because the New Idea/Idol is internalized by the masses, most of whom are incapable of thinking for themselves. The destruction of pagan temples in Rome and the destruction of churches in Bolshevik Russia weren't the doings of few enforcers. Indeed, they couldn't have been carried out if the masses still clung to the old gods. Rather, the iconoclasms were mass endeavors in which many took part because their minds had been re-coded to reject old gods and accept new ones. Likewise, there is mass support for the defacing and dismantling of Confederate statues and monuments. In the past, white Southerners would have reacted angrily and taken violent actions but, having been re-coded by Jewish-and-cuck-controlled media and academia, most white Southerners either support the removal or cravenly hunker down lest they be labeled as 'racist' if they were to protest.

The West's turn from pro-whiteness to anti-whiteness has led to profound changes. Once Jews coded anti-whiteness as the New Idea and coded Diversity(especially Blackness) as the New Idolatry, white civilization went from promoting white pride and defending white lands to cursing white identity and welcoming the Great Replacement. The West went from awesome race-ism to pathetic replacism.

America always had serious race problems because of the black issue, but it was still whiter than Latin America, and this used to be a matter of pride, i.e. North America is more united, cohesive, and productive because it is solidly majority white whereas white-minority Latin America is mired in division, distrust, and instability because of its diversity.
When awesome race-ism was coded into the American Way, white Americans took pride in their race-based superiority over Latin American countries, i.e. US was better off because it was whiter than Central and South America.
But once the coding was changed, so many white Americans became so eager to turn the US into just another Latin-America-like country, and California is supposed to be template for the rest of America: Jewish oligarchs and their white/Asian cuck collaborators ruling over brown peons, with the once prominent white middle class squeezed into irrelevance. Of course, Jewish media mavens will blame all problems on 'white supremacism' while white dummies or whummies will continue to sing hosannas about 'Muh Israel'. Things are even worse. Not only has 'Western Values' been re-coded but Western Historiography has been re-colored, where it's now commonplace for TV shows and movies to cast blacks in the roles of white historical figures.

Letting Jews re-code the West was a grave mistake, indeed a crime. There is no hope for the West unless re-coded to free itself from Jewish Supremacism. It's no wonder Jewish Power hates Russia and Hungary that rejects Globo-Homo-BLM regimen and have re-coded themselves along Nationalist and Christian Lines.

MY COVID DICTIONARY - Brother Nathanel

1 comment:

  1. Paradoxy: Does No One Have Vision?: "Jewish Leftist" Is A Misnomer — Jewish Power Is Ultra-Rightist, Supremacist, And Imperialist — How Jewish Power Re-Coded The West From Pro-White To Anti-White And The Dire Consequences >>>>> Download Now

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    Paradoxy: Does No One Have Vision?: "Jewish Leftist" Is A Misnomer — Jewish Power Is Ultra-Rightist, Supremacist, And Imperialist — How Jewish Power Re-Coded The West From Pro-White To Anti-White And The Dire Consequences >>>>> Download LINK

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    Paradoxy: Does No One Have Vision?: "Jewish Leftist" Is A Misnomer — Jewish Power Is Ultra-Rightist, Supremacist, And Imperialist — How Jewish Power Re-Coded The West From Pro-White To Anti-White And The Dire Consequences >>>>> Download Full

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