Take a look at nature. Any given place has its ecology of various plants, predators, and prey. Many animal are both predator and prey, feeding on smaller/weaker animals and being eaten by bigger/stronger animals. Some organisms may seem unpleasant, even unnecessary, but as established inhabitants of the environment, they play an essential role in the Natural Balance. Remove that organism, and it may have a negative domino effect on the rest of the environment. Some organisms may appear to be harmful to other organisms, but if the former is removed, the latter may suffer graver consequences in the long term(despite the short-term benefit). If coyotes, wolves, and cougars were removed from a forest, it would be a great boon for rabbits and deer. At least in the short-term. But as their populations explode, they will consume all the vegetation, and then, mass starvation will follow. We may look upon flies as annoying and useless, but maggots break down feces and carrion.
Lessons drawn from nature are also applicable to the human body. People may consider certain organs to be gross and disgusting. People may see all bacteria as harmful. Bile is an unpleasant chemical produced by the body. So, should we remove the gall bladder that holds this noxious fluid? But, bile is essential to digestion. Or consider the bacteria in the large intestines. They may seem gross, but we cannot live without them.During the so-called Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong embarked on a Four Pests Campaign. It had some good ideas. Most societies could do better with fewer rats and mosquitos. Whatever purpose rats may have in nature(as food source for small predators), they only cause harm to humans. (To be sure, the cat might not have become a dear companion to humans if not for its usefulness in suppressing the rat population.)
But when it came to sparrows, the Chinese Communists made a terrible miscalculation. They only saw the small picture and failed to see the big one. Sparrows were targeted because they ate crops. That fact about sparrows was true enough. But sparrows also provided an indispensable service to man and agriculture by consuming countless insects that devour crops in greater amounts. Better to have sparrows eat some crops and locusts than have locusts eat all the crops.
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The Anti-Sparrow Campaign. They say Chinese are smart, but intelligence is no guarantee against stupidity and retardation. |
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It goes to show that a people can belong to a great civilization and possess higher IQ and still act like total loons and tards. |
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Nutball Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution pledge to wage war on Bourgeois Cats |
While cats and sparrows do cause problems for humans, the benefits outweigh the costs. Better to lose some crops to sparrows than have insects eat up more of the crops. Of course, too many sparrows isn’t a good thing either, which is why hawks(and other animals that feed on sparrows) are necessary as well. Cats may carry disease and threaten the bird population, but in poor nations without modern means to suppress the rat population, cats are indispensable for pest control. Humans can also play an ecological role through technology. In forests cleared of big predators, it is up to humans to control the deer and rabbit population through hunting. And it is up to humans to use neutering to control the cat(and dog) population as there are few natural predators of cats in human habitats.
Anyway, political myopia in a common problem. What may seem beneficial in the short-run may have long-run negative, even disastrous, consequences. Political myopia is often the product of not only short-sightedness(a forgivable flaw) but radicalism, the source of much evil in the world. If short-sightedness fails to see the big picture, radicalism blinds us to reality. It was radicalism that blinded so many people to the evils of Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Martin L. King, and Jewish Power. Radicalism blinded Germans to where Hitler was leading them. Radicalism blinded Russians to Stalin’s mass purges and killings. Radicalism blinded the Chinese to Mao’s lunacy in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Radicalism blinded Americans to the hell unleashed by the Trojan Horse trickery of the MLK cult that had blacks posing as peace-loving-and-forgiving-saints when, in fact, too many blacks had nothing on their minds but mindless thuggery, savagery, and self-aggrandizement. If US avoided the devastation of something on the scale of the Cultural Revolution, it was because US was only 12% black in the 60s and 70s. Had it been majority black, the result would have been Mass Rampage on the scale of the Cultural Revolution and what is now happening in South Africa, a nation descending into hell-hole. Radicalism also blinds Americans and Europeans to the sheer evil that emanates from the Jewish and Homo elites. Holocaustianity has imbued Jews with godlike status, and Homomania has elevated homos to the status of angels, so their foul agenda and deeds all over the world are hardly investigated and exposed for what they really are. So much of what is called ‘secular’ is SECINO, or secular in name only. They are actually practiced as articles of faith, and faith requires one to turn off one’s critical faculties and belief with radical abandon. It is like communism was technically ‘secular’ and ‘scientific’ but demanded total faith and adherence to its dogma.
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Follow the Fuhrer wherever he goes: war and destruction |
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Infallible Stalin seen as savior despite mass killings of innocents |
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Prophet of Peace who was just baiting whitey |
‘Racism’ is denounced most when it involves white hostility or suspicions about blacks. If ‘antisemitism’ is specifically about Jews and if ‘homophobia’ is specifically about homos, ‘racism’ concerns, at least technically, all groups, i.e. all groups can be ‘racist’ and all groups can be victims of ‘racism’. But in actual practice, ‘racism’ is really about the ‘evil’ of offending or harming blacks, especially by whites. After all, if the West is really into universal ‘anti-racism’, why is it still acceptable to generalize about and badmouth Mexicans, Chinese, Russians, Iranians, Palestinians, Muslims, and etc.? Also, there is the matter of ‘who, whom’. In America, it is permissible for Jews to be ‘racist’ about Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Arabs, Muslims, white gentiles, etc. Jews can negatively generalize about such groups and denounce them collectively. But if any group were to reply in kind, Jewish Media will denounce it as ‘racist’ and ‘antisemitic’. Then, the world-wide Jewish Network will kick into gear to denounce, ‘discredit’, and destroy the group.
It’s like ‘hate’ refers only to the attitudes and actions of certain groups. Whites ‘hate’ blacks, but blacks cannot ‘hate’ whites even when blacks spew nothing but hate at whites. Muslims ‘hate’ Jews, but Jews cannot ‘hate’ Muslims since Jews are perceived as Eternal Victims of the Holocaust. It’s the Relativity of Terminology.
Most vilified is ‘white racism’ and ‘racism’ directed toward Jews and Negroes. (It’s like the universalization of ‘white guilt’. Since the West rules the world and since the neo-religion of the West is worship of Jews, blacks, and homos, the West effectively persuades and even pressures the rest of the world via Political Correctness and Pop Culture to fall in line in reverence of the holy three. It is no big deal if Chinese mistreat Muslims or if Russians badmouth Japanese or Iranians. But if Chinese were to cause harm to Jews or if Russians were to make anti-black remarks, that would be seen as scandalous.) Of course, in the private realm, many Jews do harbor ‘racist’ views of blacks(and various other groups). After all, despite what Jews SAY about blacks, what Jews actually DO is racially cognizant of blacks as criminals and thugs. Indeed, one reason for Jewish support of massive immigration is to use newcomers are buffers between themselves and blacks. But blacks support the globalist agenda of Diversity because they conflate black interests with the Democratic Party. Because more immigrants will mean more power to Democrats, blacks think they are winning. They fail to realize that they will increasingly matter less in the Democratic Coalition as the nation fills up with Diversity-via-immigration.
Anyway, PC fails to overlook the Political Ecological value of ‘white racism’ or race-ism in general. (To the extent that ‘-ism’ means belief or consciousness, ‘racism’ or race-ism should really mean belief in existence of races, awareness of racial differences, and racial identity. There is no reason to believe that all forms of race-ism is wrong or evil. If anything, such radical anti-race-ism is the true evil. It is also blinded by its own hysteria. There is bad racism and good race-ism. While race-ism can be ignorant or radical, it can also be rational and ground in facts. It’s like nutritional science once falsely vilified all cholesterols and all fats as health hazards. As it turns out, there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. And the War on Fat is now being revised as a huge mistake. Not all fats are alike, but for too long, the nutritional community warned people to avoid certain fats, especially the saturated kind. But just as there are good cholesterol and bad cholesterol and just as there are good fats and bad fats[especially transfat], there are good race-ism and bad racism.) Like anything else, white race-ism can become dangerous. It too can become radicalized and totalistic, like what happened in National Socialist Germany that devalued non-‘Aryans’ as lesser humans. Such radical mind-set triggered wars, conquests, and even mass extermination campaigns.
Even without the elaborate ideology of radical racism, mere tribalism or ethnocentrism can become dangerous when it becomes extreme and overly hostile. This is true of socialism as well. Radicalized, it turns into loathsome communism. And we now see in monstrous globalism the radicalization of capitalism that reduces mankind into markets. Consumerism is the End of History. Obama criticized George W. Bush for urging Americans to go shopping after 9/11, but Obama-ism is even more premised on mindless consumerism. After all, Americans got hoodwinked with nonsense like homomania because their values now come almost entirely from Pop Culture and Celebrity Worship. If ‘cool’ people endorse something(no matter trashy or decadent it is), countless fans follow like sheep. Look at the rapid spread of tattoo mania.
And Obama was able to get away with the insane destruction of Libya and Syria because too many Americans are hooked to junk culture and have lost meaningful connection to world affairs. Mass ignorance and preference for trash on TV allow weasels like Obama and Hillary to engineer the New Cold War with Russia — we are told Putin is ‘New Hitler’ about to swallow Baltic states and maybe even Poland. The anti-war Left is virtually non-existent, and the national media(that should really be called Tribal Media as they are controlled mostly by Jews) ignored the abuses by Obama because they are all members of the Globalist Club. Meanwhile, Edward Snowden remains in Russia because he would be locked up for longer than Jonathan Pollard if he were to return to the US. When the Middle East, North Africa, and Ukraine were blowing up due to Obama’s Jewish-guided foreign policy, most Americans didn’t know and didn’t care because they were too busy indulging in consumerism or pop culture. Obama is the biggest phony because he pompously pretends to be for high principles when he really grovels to the Power Elite(of Jews and homos) and dutifully carries out the globalist agenda.necessary processes that enrich the soil. Or, suppose some people introduce a New Species as beneficial. Suppose they introduce big toads to eat insects. But suppose this toad eats up the smaller native frogs and other creatures as well. Thus, for an environment to continue as it is and maintain the existing balance, the current inhabitants must be allowed to have their niche in the eco-system. And the environment must have means — biological or geographic — to resist invasions by new species that may pose a mortal threat. After all, bonobos in Africa are able to maintain their unique traits and ways because they are isolated from bigger, stronger, and more aggressive chimpanzees. If chimps were released into the bonobo habitat, the bonobos will either be killed off by the stronger and more aggressive chimps, or the bonobos will have to evolve into stronger, tougher, and more aggressive apes in order to compete with the hostile chimps. They will have to lose their original bonobo traits and characteristics as only the tough and aggressive bonobos will survive in the harsh environment to mate. Consider what the introduction of rats and pigs did to the Galapagos Islands. Consider what the introduction of new species did to the fauna of Australia where so many species had become accustomed to an enclosed eco-system isolated from the rest of the world.
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The 'nigga' Chimp and the 'Swedish' Bonobo. Bonobos became different because they evolved in their own isolated environment. |
But PC, a form of radicalism, has blinded us to the benefits of certain things and to the dangers of other things. So, we are never shown the benefits of white race-ism, and we aren’t alerted to the dangers posed by excessive presence/power of Jews, Negroes, homos, and Diversity. We must believe that even an ounce of white race-ism is an unforgivable sin that needs to be expurgated while even a ton of Jewish, Negro, homo, or Diversity excesses is solid gold. According to smug and arrogant Fareed Zakaria, a white hillbilly coal-miner in West Virginia is more ‘privileged’ than a globalist elitist such as himself who grew up with servants and maids in India.WOLF TOTEM. True, wolves are fearsome animals and can do great damage to livestock(and even to humans), but they have an essential place in nature as predators regulating the population of herbivores and smaller predators. It’s like the message of the movie NEVER CRY WOLF. Wolves play an important role in the Alaskan eco-system.
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Wolves. Fearsome and Frightening but necessary to ecology. |
Furthermore, there is the matter of spirituality or mythology. This is created and sustained by the control of Narrative. The Narrative is more than objective history or dry remembrance of the past. It is an emotional and inspiring sacralization of certain people, culture, and story at the expense of others. So, the Zionist Narrative sacralizes the Jewish Return to the Homeland while diminishing, even vilifying, the resistance of the Palestianians. The Anglo-American Narrative sacralized the hardships and achievements of the white pioneers who settled the wilderness that was once inhabited by red savages and wild animals. Needless to say, Narratives are not fair or objective. They offer a semi-mythological view of history. Jewish Narrative long held that God chose the children of Abraham as the Blessed Tribe. Thus, Jewish history and Jewish spirituality became intertwined in the Jewish Narrative. The story of the Jews became the journey of God Himself. The Christian Narrative sacralized the followers of Jesus while vilifying Jews as the killers of Christ and unrepentant deniers of the Messiah. After World War II, Jews created a Narrative of Jewish holiness upon the ashes of the Holocaust. It says Jews have always been decent and innocent all through the ages but were constantly set upon by evil European and/or Christian ‘anti-Semites’ whose wickedness finally culminated in the Shoah that resurrected every Jew into a mini-messiah. The Southern Narrative saw good white Christian folks as having civilized(at least in part) the black African savages who were better off picking cotton under white patronage than chucking spears at hippos and elephants that might flatten them into pancakes not unlike those made by Aunt Jemima. The Narrative since the Civil Rights Era has reversed the Southern Narrative. The Negro Narrative says that, since the dawn of time, black Africans were the Children of Eden who were torn away from their paradisiacal homeland and brought to the New World to live under incalculable cruelty under evil white ‘racists’. This Narrative sees blacks as totally noble & justified and puts whites on moral defensive for all time. (To be sure, Narrative alone usually doesn’t do the trick. There is also the Power of Presentation. Some groups are more advantaged in the field of Presentation than others. Blacks have an edge in sports and funky-rhythmic music. Mexicans, despite their huge numbers in America, are deficient in this regard. Even if PC were to favor Mexicans as the top victim group in America, most Americans wouldn’t be too excited because Mexicans don’t win in sports and don’t excite people in the area of music. Also, Mexicans don’t have the booming voice of Negroes like MLK. Much effort has been made to turn Cesar Chavez into a Mexican-American MLK, but few people care. This goes for Asian-Americans too. Despite the hardships of Chinese railroad laborers, no one much cares because Chinese are seen as dull and boring. Same goes for American Indians. American Indians mostly keep to themselves like the pretend-mute Indian in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST. Cult of Diversity has more use for the gabby Asian-Indians like Fareed Zakaria who are more colorful in accent and endless needling and ‘babuing’ of White America. In contrast, the one advantage that whites still have is in the field of Presentation. Despite all the anti-white Narratives, much of the world still like to look at white actors in Hollywood and white women in fashion. Even ‘progressive’ women — of all colors — who bitch about ‘white male privilege’ very often want to find a white guy and want to have white-looking kids. Despite all the warnings about the ‘Aryanism’ of the Nazis, Jewish men often prefer blonde shikses as superior beauties. Even as Jews relentlessly beat whites over the head with the Narrative, they still feel threatened by white Presentation. People around the world prefer the ‘Aryan’ presentation over the Jewish presentation[or image or aura]that is often associated with unpleasant creatures like Woody Allen and Jesse Eisenberg. Just like white males fear that the power of Presentation will drive white women into the arms of black men — seen as masters of masculine prowess — despite all the statistics about black thuggery and violence[furthermore, thuggery is often the very appeal, like sluttiness is a turn-on for many men despite knowing that sluts will likely cause problems down the line], Jews fear the power of Presentation will eventually make people prefer the ‘Aryan’ over the Jew. The Narrative favors the Jew over the guilt-burdened ‘Aryan’, but the Presentation favors the ‘Aryan’. The Word favors the Jew, the Image favors the ‘Aryan’. It is one reason why Jews have tried to de-Aryanize the image with their control of Hollywood. But Jews also know that the Aryan Image is a top seller and big money-maker. What is the Jew to do? Jews now seek to sell the female Aryan image but match it up with the Negro male image. Jews want a black 007. Jews matched the white girl with a Negro in the new STAR WARS. And Jews made Lancelot into a Negro in a new TV series. Thus, Jews sell Aryanism as female beauty but offer it up as a prize to be owned by black men. The Aryan must be Negroed. As for white males, their future lies in collective cultural cuckoldry, be it in the ‘middlebrow’ form of Ken Burns or ‘lowbrow’ form of Quentin Tarantino. One reason Neocons hate Donald Trump is because he presents a kind of ‘Aryan’ manhood that makes squirmy Jews and their cuck-pets look weak in comparison. They are desperate to associate Trump’s style of presentation with Hitler. With Trump, we see the phenomenon of the White Advantage in Presentation versus the Jewish Control of Narrative. Because of the Power of anti-white Narrative, even manly whites have been pressured to restrain themselves. Beta-males like Dan Quayle, dufuses like George W. Bush, or weasels like Mitt Romney were favored instead. In Germany, the horrors of WWII led to a postwar narrative where Germans are supposed to check their masterful, assertive, and passionate nature, their power of presentation. In the 19th and early 20th century, Germans showed what they were capable in terms of Presentation. They awed the world in the arts, music, politics, and military. Even their enemies were filled with envy and admiration. But after WWII, Germans have gone out of their way to present themselves as tamed, gelded, and cooperative. Thus restraining their advantage in the area of Presentation, Germans are being abolished by the power of the Jewish Narrative that says Germany must uphold ‘values’ that lead to its self-demise. Today’s Bismarck is Merkel, the Iron Chancellor of National Suicide than National Unity & Power.)
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Battle of Presentation: The 'Aryan' |
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Battle of Presentation: The Jew |
This is the Jewish revenge on humanity, indeed all of humanity. (For Jews to justify globalism — open borders and diversity — in the West, they must push it on the entire world for the sake of ideological consistency.) For so long, Jews were a homeless people in exile. Even in lands they settled in, they had uneasy relations with the gentile majority and were expelled due to reasons of anti-Jewish sentiments(sometimes unwarranted) and Jewish deviousness, especially in business practices. Jews were uprooted time and time again, but it would be misleading to say they were rootless. They were still rooted in their history and Covenant with God. Also, they held onto their dreams of reclaiming and returning to their homeland. Jews now have Israel as their sacred homeland.
However, it’s as if Jews want to Jew-ize all other peoples in the sense of rendering them rootless. They want white nations to be filled with non-whites. Whites will no longer feel at home in their nations of origin(in Europe) or nations of vision & creation(like US, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand). And non-whites will lose their own identities, cultures, and histories in white lands, especially through massive race-mixing, political correctness, and pop culture. (People bitch about Muslims and Sharia Law, but most children of Muslim parents in America are into Rap culture, race-mixing, and trashiness, even tattoos.) And as the Western model spreads around the world, non-white nations too will adopt the Cult of Diversity and be overrun by foreigners. Consider the porous borders all across Africa. There is constant migrations and invasions all around in the Dark Continent. Much is also true of Latin America. And much of North Africa and Middle East have turned into land without borders where Jihadis and ‘refugees’ can move in huge numbers from one area to another. And with plummeting birthrates in East Asia, the globalist corporations and PC-indoctrinated elites there are also calling for massive increase in Diversity. 75% of Japanese corporations want open borders and massive immigration of Third World into Japan. Jews push all these developments. It is as if Jews want a stable homeland for themselves while the rest of the world is to be rendered rootless, faceless, ahistorical, and amnesiac. This is a diabolical design on the part of Jews, and it must be resisted by full force by all patriots around the world.
But, too many people join with globalism because they have something to gain from it as individuals. People in Third World nations see globalism as a ticket to the richer West and better material lives. Western elites see Diversity as cheaper labor and virtue-signaling fodder. The likes of Justin Trudeau, David Cameron, and Bill Clinton get their jollies by showing off their ‘inclusiveness’ and ‘tolerance’. As privileged globalist birds who remain above the fray, they don’t care about what is happening on the ground to their own people. They got theirs: Material Privilege and Moral Preening. But if Third World nations sign onto globalism as a ticket to the Rich West, they also come under the same pressure to open up their homelands to other peoples. So, it’s not very surprising that while Turks move to Western Europe, Arabs move into Turkey. It’s not surprising that while Mexicans come to the US, Central Americans pour into Mexico. It’s not surprising that while Koreans and Taiwanese pour into the US, other Asians pour into Korea and Taiwan. It’s not surprising that while Spanish and Irish seek out richer European nations, Africans and Muslims are pouring into Spain and Ireland.
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Globalism and Invasion and End of Nations. Planet of the Africans is the future. |
Without predators such as coyotes and hawks, the population of rabbits and deers will explode and destroy the environment by excessive consumption of plants and defoliation. Also, predators serve as a bulwark against possible invasive species. So, predators not only check the overgrowth of certain herbivores but expel threats posed by species outside the eco-system.
It’s like the military class was a ‘necessary evil’ throughout history. Sure, the military class or the nobility could be overbearing, exploitive, brutal, and vicious. But its culture of discipline and hardship balanced out the culture of the decadents and solipsists. Japan couldn’t have survived with only the Heian aesthetes. It also needed the hardened samurai warriors. And even though the military class could use violence against its own people, it also resisted and pushed out potential invaders.
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Heian Aesthetics |
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Samurai Art of War |
Imagine if rabbits and deers told coyotes and cougars to go vegetarian as well. Not only will coyotes and cougars become sick from eating leaves, but there will be an over-population of deers and rabbits as none of them will be weeded out. And then, the overfeeding of plants will lead to demise of everything.
Likewise, imagine a social order where extreme Christians convince the tribal-warriors to lay down their arms and become pure-hearted Christians. Eventually, the society will fill up with saps, wussies, and crybabies. There will be no fighting spirit. Such a sickened society will fall prey to parasitic forces from within who exploit the forgiving defenselessness of the sappy Christians. It will also fall prey to foreign invaders who see it as easy picking, as easy conquest inhabited by wussies who turn the other cheek and crybabies who demand to be fed but have no predatory instinct to get their own food.
While the tribal-militarists are far from perfect and may even attack and harm good people, they at least have some kind of Ecological Covenant(or ‘ecovenant’) with the Christians. They attack and restrain the tendency of extreme Christians, and in doing so, they help maintain a Christianity that is more realistic, healthy, and strong. Also, they play a protective role in defending the realm from would-be invaders, as indeed it was the warrior-nobility that saved Christian Europe from the Muslim invasions. This is why Jews have been so keen on severing the long-standing contract between Christianity and white tribalism-militarism. Even in the US that was founded on ideal of the separation of church and state and the separation of civilian rule and the military, it was well-understood from the beginning that America was a White Christian Nation and that its military class came primarily from White Christians serving God and Country. They were united in spirit even if separated by law. But Jews have even destroyed this spiritual bonds among the military, the race, and the religion. The US military is now indoctrinated in homomania. American soldiers are told that their main faith is MLK, Diversity, and homomania. The New Cold War with Russia is partly predicated on the notion that Russia is anti-‘gay’. Also, Putin’s Russia is a nation where the Russian ethnos, Russian military, and Russian religion are all seen as part of a whole, indeed not only spiritually but even in the letter of the law. Jews cannot abide by this, and that is why Jews seek to use American Power to destroy Russia.
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The Ottoman Siege of Vienna. Christians didn't prevail by turning the other cheek. It was the Tribalist-Warriors who won the day. |
The ONLY kind of tribal-militant white Christianity that is somewhat tolerated by the Jewish-Globo elites are the Christian-Zionist churches that project their repressed militant-tribalism onto Israel. If Liberal Cuck-Christians tend to be nice and sappy to everyone, the Conservative Christian Zionists can be tough and aggressive... but only in serving Israel and Jews, the very people who loathe white Evangelicals the most. Christian Zionists are like vicious dogs that serve their human master and bark & attack other dogs than like proud wolves that fight and attack to serve their own tribe. It just goes to show that no matte how tough and aggressive a people may be, their show of strength and prowess are laughable if the terms of their toughness are controlled by another people. It’s like Janissaries were tough and aggressive warriors but the tools of the Muslim Ottoman Turks. Though born into Greek Christian families, they were turned into warriors for Allah. Though toughened into great warriors, they didn’t serve their own kind but fought to destroy them: fellow European Christians. Christian Zionists are the Janissaries of the Jews. They’ve been AIPAC-ed into servility that they are not even aware of. A horse is many times bigger, stronger, and tougher than a man, but the man rides and orders the horse. The horse’s power is harnessed to serve the man’s agenda. Christian Zionism, along with the US military, is a horse with a Jewish rider. No matter how robust and aggressive it may be, it lacks the autonomy of agenda. It is manipulated and dictated by one who is smarter and cleverer.
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Social Justice Warthog |
But even White Conservatives are not free of this disingenuous mentality. Consider the Trump Campaign that pretends to talk tough and give us the plain truth. Unlike the Democrats, Trump doesn’t go for ‘blame whitey’ or ‘blame the white male’. But he won’t go after Jews and blacks, the two most destructive peoples in America. There is just enough reference to misguided foreign policy(that implicates Jewish influence) and just enough mention of increased Law & Order(codeword for being tough on black crime), but Trump will not name the Jew or the Negro. But he will name the Mexicans, the Muslims, the Iranians, and the Chinese. But seriously, the idea that Mexicans, Muslims Iranians, and Chinese are the main cause of worry for Americans is as fantastic as the notion that the White Male is guilty for all worldly ills. To be sure, there is the problem of Too Many Mexicans, but Mexicans are not the brains and purse of globalism that is destroying the West. Liberals blame everything on the White Male, and Conservatives pick on the Mexican, Muslim, Chinese, Iranian, and Russian, but NO ONE ever sees the Jewish fingerprints and the Negro footprints at the crime scene. Jews rob us through Wall Street and use huge fortunes to buy up politicians. And Negroes cause havoc in the streets and do immeasurable harm in communities all across America due to Section 8 invasions. But any issue pertaining to Jews and blacks must be spun to defer to them(now joined by holy homos as homomania is the new quasi-religious cult of the West — incidentally, homomania’s power trajectory hasn’t been unlike the rise of Christianity as both went from Persecution to Tolerance to Officialdom to Coercion).
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John McCain and his dog. But why does a dog need a dog? |
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If Hitler saw nothing wrong with Germans invading the world, Merkel sees nothing wrong with the world invading Germany(and rest of Europe). Racial Bigot and Global Progot. |
Picture your mind. There are various contesting forces within it. After all, no one is entirely rightist or entirely leftist. No one is entirely conservative or entirely liberal. No one is entirely suspicious or entirely trusting. No one is entirely rational or entirely emotional. Everyone has a blend of various attitudes, perspectives, & passions though some are more ‘this’ than ‘that’. Suppose a part of you is open to new things and curious about the world. But suppose such curiosity and open-mindedness are balanced by a sense of identity and unity and pride. If you were overly conservative, you might lead a life of boring stasis, even stagnation. If you were overly liberal, you might lead a life of flippancy and frivolity of the moment. So, the best thing is to have a kind of balance. (When push comes to shove, however, hard conservatism is preferable to extreme liberalism IF one must choose one or the other. However static and dogmatic it may be, conservatism ensures continuity, stability, and survival. In contrast, ultra-liberalism may have its peaks, but its rootless decadence will flame out soon enough into the ash heap of oblivion. Fortunately, one can have a meaningful blend of conservatism and liberalism.) It’s like we need daytime and nighttime. A world that is all day would be too hot and dry; one that is all night would be too cold and dark.
The excessive culling of white race-ism from the white soul has robbed Western Man of something essential. It has removed the yang from the yin/yang balance. It’s one thing to say that ‘European values’ should include tolerance, openness, and universalism, but surely, a civilization doesn’t consist only or primarily of values. After all, values, ideas, and attitudes change all the time, sometimes almost overnight. If Europe is defined by current EU globo-capitalist-decadent values, then communist Europe and fascist Europe were not European. And Medieval Europe that was devout and intolerant was not European either.
It’s like a person is more than what he believes in his mind or feels in his heart due to ideology or culture. First and foremost, you are YOU no matter what you believe. You could go from communism to capitalism to fascism to Christianity to New Age to Islam to whatever. Whatever your values or creed, you are first-and-foremost you as an living organism of a certain lineage. And all the values in the world cannot change this fact. Likewise, Europe is more than its values and ideologies(that are changing constantly). After all, not long ago, it was illegal to be homosexual in much of the West. Now, we are told that homomania is an essential part of ‘European values’. So, was Europe not ‘European’ some decades ago when many nations had criminalized homosexuality?
White Race-ism is well-aware of the need for a people to survive as a race, culture, history, narrative, and geography. Perhaps, because Being is more primal and elementary than Believing, the Being-ists tend to be less intellectually sophisticated(or sophistic) in their arguments. After all, an argument of "it is what it is" is less tantalizing than "it should or could be such and such because of..." The project of Believing produces more verbiage than the preservation of Being does. After all, even Jews produced more interesting ideas as Marxists, liberals, capitalists, anarchists, and socialists than as Zionists. Zionism is about Being. When it comes to Jewish identity and unity, Jews need only convince themselves to insist on being what they are. It is about their people, their history, and their land. But when it comes to abstract, radical, or universal ideologies, Jews could contrive endless arguments to cast a spell over people around the world. Granted, Zionism is wildly popular in America, especially among Christian Zionists, but it didn’t gain traction as provocative intellectual system but as a strange contradictory blend of themes around universal justice and nationalist pride. The Holocaust made Jews the objects of pity, and the creation of Israel was perceived as an act of universal justice for the Jews who, like other peoples with nations to call their own, were deserving of their own homeland. But to the extent that Israel was created by taking land from Arabs and Muslims, it created a West vs Rest and ‘us versus them’ scenario. For Christian Zionists, the Israelis were seen as neo-Crusaders who reclaimed the Holy Land from the Muslims and were allied with the Christian West. Israel was admired for its Western-oriented nationalism against the Muslim barbarians. So, Israel came to appeal to both liberal universalists and conservative nationalists. AIPAC has artfully played on both strains to win over both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’.The current West makes no sense. Without the predatory controls provided by white race-ism, it falls deeper and deeper into the cults of Universalism and Tolerance(and Inclusion — Inclusion without limits turn into Invasion. Exclusion prevents Extinction.). Furthermore, no one seems to care or notice that true universalism is intolerant. Universalism says there are certain truths arrived at by facts, reason, and logic that are irrefutable. As such, those are the real truth and must apply to all corners of the globe. The strongest argument for universalism is in science and math. What is objectively true in Germany is also true in Iran, Nigeria, China, Mexico, and etc. Law of gravity is the same in all nations. Modern medicine is another. We know certain germs cause certain diseases. This is a fact proven by observation and experiment. Other cultures may have different explanations, often mystical, about human diseases, but modern medicine as developed by the West is closest to the truth. So, true science cannot tolerate bogus pseudo-science. It insists that its truths are universal and same everywhere. Laws of physics and chemistry are not different in Russia or Brazil. Likewise, true medicine cannot tolerate bogus medicine based on hocus-pocus or superstition. What has been proven true in medicine is a universal fact, and this truth cannot tolerate alternative medical theories that are not supported by data and proof.
Many people believe the idea of human rights has universal relevance. They say human rights must apply to all peoples and nations. Now, human rights is not a science, and different societies and cultures have different values and taboos stemming from different histories, temperaments, experiences, collective personalities, and power dynamics. But, the idea of ‘universal human rights’ says that some values are so essential and elemental that they must apply to all mankind. In other words, human rights cannot tolerate what is deemed as inhumane. Some like Samantha Powers says the advanced West should even resort to military intervention to ensure the implementation of human rights in all corners of the world.
Whether one believes there is universal human rights or not, it remains that universalism of values is at odds with the cult of tolerance. If indeed the West believes that its values are the most advanced and objectively true, the implication is that those values must be forced on the rest of the world so that truth and justice shall prevail over ignorance and tyranny. Such was the point of Marxism. Communists really believed in the ‘science’ of their ideology. They believed it to be objective and irrefutably true and just. So, communism couldn’t tolerate heresy. And communist revolutions sought to spread Marxism as the only true answer for all humanity. As things turned out, communists proved to be wrong and foolish in their cocksure ‘scientific socialism’. Nevertheless, there was consistency in their universalism and intolerance. If you really believe that your views are true and just for all humanity, then you cannot philosophically and morally tolerate opposing views since they must be untrue and unjust. If all views and values were valid, then universalism would be impossible since nothing would be true for all peoples.However, the modern West claims to be both universalist and tolerant. It is like trying to have the cake and eat it too. It is a insoluble contradiction, but then, the point of globalism is to gain control over entire populations with hype, slogans, hysteria, and pageantry than with facts, logic, or sense. PC globalism is about spreading the mere conceit of rationality, justice, and mindfulness than confronting people with the real burden of thought. Its typical mantra is, "We believe in free speech but not ‘hate speech’." PC cannot tolerate ‘hate facts’ that challenge and provoke individuals to mull over issues and topics by considering all the angles. The campaign against ‘hate speech’ is to declare certain ideas as ‘thought crimes’. One of the main thought crimes is the recognition that Universalism and Tolerance cannot coexist in any honest system. Tolerance undermines universalism since it assumes that there are more than one set of truths and values. It is like Diversity and Equality don’t make a good pair despite the PC assertion of their complementary bond.
Universalism means certain sets of ideas or values apply equally to all peoples all over the world. Scientific universalism says gravity is same all over the world. Medical universalism says Syphilis is caused by certain bacteria all over the world. There can be no exceptions. Spiritual universalism, either in form of Christianity or Islam(or Buddism), says that Jesus is the Savior of all mankind or Muhammad is the Prophet for all mankind.
But when universalism is intertwined with Tolerance(and Inclusion), the contradictions keep multiplying. On the one hand, the PC fusion of Universalism and Tolerance says European Values are so very true and correct(thus implying applicability, even by coercion, to all of humanity) but then also says Europeans Values are about withholding judgement on those who are different(even radically different) and may even be opposed to or incompatible with European Values. It says Europe must ‘include’ those who don’t care for European Values.
It’s worth asking, if European Values are indeed so universal, why have they changed so much over the centuries and millennia? And why is there such a wide range of those values or ideas? After all, European Values can be said to be represented by Adam Smith or Karl Marx. By St. Augustine or Marquis de Sade. Also, consider how often European Values changed in the past few decades. Frenchmen who lived in the 1950s and 1960s would not recognize today’s French values as European or French. Many Swedes living in the 50s and 60s would have balked at the kind of ‘values’ that Sweden espouses in the current era. And there was a time not long ago when almost no one, not even among liberals, believe that American Values had anything to do with ‘gay marriage’ or a former Olympian putting on dress and asking the public to call him ‘Caitlyn’. Such things would have been too outlandish even for the Onion or Mad magazine.
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It's been some time since the Onion has been superseded in lunacy by Political and Cultural Events in the past 8 yrs. |
This is what happens when Political Ecology goes full-cuckoo under the influence of Jews. White people in the West are so brainwashed that they don’t even know they are being manipulated and driven to demise and downfall. They are being invaded against their natural instinctive will to survive, but they’ve been led to believe in their own agency of favoring ‘inclusion’. But in fact, the mass invasion was not their idea. They didn’t call for it or ask for it. Instead, it was foisted upon them by their traitor-elites who serve the globalist Jews. But since the Jewish elites control the media and the narrative, the white suckers believe that the goodness of their hearts attracted all these Diverse Peoples who serve as a testament to the Compassion and Redemption of the West.
When people prefer fantasy over reality, there’s no limit to delusion... until the reality hits them so hard that people are forced to wake up. Germans once followed Hitler’s fantasy vision and disregarded reality. They believed in German infallibility and invincibility. But they were finally shaken awoke by the reality of invasion and destruction. But the horror of defeat and humiliation was such that it is as if Germans reverted to fantasy mode. The traumatic reality in the interim was too brutal and horrific to behold. Germans went from the security of Nazi fantasy to the security of NATO fantasy. Since NATO is controlled by the US that came to be controlled by Jews(the main victims of the Holocaust), the new German fantasy revolved around the theme of Redemption by Worshiping Jews and Obeying Jewish Globalism. So, if Jews insist on more Diversity for Germany, Germans dutifully follow. (Germans and Austrians have become so brainwashed by Jewish globalism and leftist dogma that they now do this to themselves even without Jewish pressure. It’d been so drilled into them that they march to the tune even when the commander isn’t around. Entire generations of Germans and Austrians have been raised on the cult of the Holocaust, Worship of Jews, and expurgation of any nationalist and race-ist feelings, the exact opposite of how Jewish kids are raised in Israel, a nation that has healthy birthrate and suffers no foreign invasion, a fact of which Jews are proud of.) The current fantasy will be even more devastating to Germany than WWII in the long run. As destructive as that war was, it was about the downfall of a German political system. It was not about the downfall of German race and culture that were allowed to survive. Indeed, with the massive influx of Ost-Germans due to expulsions, Germany filled up with 15 million extra Germans, 5 million more than they lost in the war. So, WWII led to downfall of the regime but survival of the German race and culture. But now, what we are seeing in the downfall of the German race-and-culture itself due to combined effects of low birthrates and mass invasion of ‘refugees’ and ‘migrants’.
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Bruno Ganz in DOWNFALL. Childless Hitler who brought death and destruction to Germany. Even so, the WWII didn't bring about the end of German race and culture. |
Anyway, the REAL world is filled with all kinds of dangers, threats, frauds, and trickery. The world is closer to a David Mamet film than Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, all the more so if it has lots of Jews, Negroes and Third World rabble. In such a world, not being able to ‘hate’ and feel race-ist would be tantamount to slavery or death-sentence. It would be like operating on an animal to make it feel no fear, suspicion, or aggression. A prey animal without fear will be killed and eaten in no time. A predator robbed of aggression won’t hunt and kill; it will soon starve. Devoid of ‘racism’ and ‘hate’, whites will end up like Randall McMurphy in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST after the lobotomy. Or consider what happens to the main character of Luis Bunuel’s NAZARIN. Leading the life of an exemplary Christian saint renders him helpless against the arrows and slings of life. He ends up like the character in Jean-Paul Sartre’s THE DEVIL AND THE GOOD LORD when he embarks on a life of absolute pacifist virtue. Virtue without Will-to-Violence is useless. (To be sure, the current West does believe in the threat and use of violence in the service of what is called ‘European Values’. In the name of Liberal Democratic Virtue, the European state will use its apparatus of State Violence to harass, silence, fine, arrest, and blacklist individuals with a fundamentally different conception of European Values. To the extent that the EU is willing to use coercion and weight of violence to silence dissenters, heretics, and ‘haters’, it might be something the radical leftist Jean-Paul Sartre might have approved of. At the end of THE DEVIL AND THE GOOD LORD, the protagonist realizes the need for violence to enforce virtue. Sadly, the current EU conception of ‘European Values’ is totally clueless about the real threats to Europe. Its ideology is retrograde in seeing Nazi ghosts as the main threat to its stability and well-being. Nazis are gone. But because Europeans are haunted by the WWII Narrative like American Liberals will themselves to be spooked by the KKK, they choose to be at war with phantoms than with real dangers. It is true that Nazis once did horrible things to Europe. But they are gone for good. Only their shadows remain because the EU media and narrative are obsessed about WWII and molded a new concept of European Values from the ash heap of the Holocaust. This concept tells them that ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, and ‘nationalism’ led to the Holocaust, and therefore, Europeans must swear to denounce and root out all such evil passions and ideologies. Such narrowness of vision forgets that Jews had played a key role in communism and that finance capitalism that drove many good people to ‘antisemitism’. It also fails to mention that it was race-ism and nationalism that were the driving force behind British, Polish, and Russian heroism against Nazi Germany. They weren’t fighting for abstract ideals of ‘equality’ and ‘tolerance’. They were fighting to defend their races and cultures on their homelands. Anti-Nazi war effort was largely driven by nationalism and race-ism[in the sense of racial pride among Anglos and Slavs]. Besides, it wasn’t German nationalism but German imperialism that led to WWII. It was German violation of the nationalisms of other peoples. If anything, it is globalism that is the new imperialism imperiling the survival of races and cultures all over the world[except in Israel of course, because Jewish globalists believe in at least one nationalism: Zionism]. Because Europeans are still chasing after Nazis, they fail to see the threat posed by Invasion and Diversity. Because Nazis were white and looked down on non-whites as less-human, the current European Values lionizes non-whites and vilifies white Europeans with racial pride and nationalist will to survive. European Values as conceived by the EU says that European Culture must be decoupled from the European Race. Indeed, even European History must be disassociated from the European Race, as evinced in European historical movies featuring blacks and other non-whites as ‘European’ historical figures. And in America, the hit musical features Alexander Hamilton as a black guy. [But I doubt if Hitler will ever be portrayed by a non-white guy on TV or in movies.] Because the EU is still chasing after Nazis and regard any white racial consciousness as evil, it sees non-whites as natural moral allies in this Culture War. Because of the ennoblement of non-whites, the EU is willfully blind to all the problems caused by them. Indeed, noticing bad non-white behavior could be construed as ‘racist’, thereby a kind of neo-Nazism at odds with ‘European Values’. Unsurprisingly, the EU resorts to all manner of censorship or sophistry to suppress the truths about problems caused by non-whites. In France, census information about non-whites is prohibited because everyone is considered ‘French’, a concept that has been totally decoupled from blood and lineage. A newly arrived black African is considered to be just as ‘French’ as a Frenchmen whose ancestry goes back many centuries. Frenchness is now just a globo-label than a richly meaningful identity. It is a stamp on a document, not the flow of blood through the centuries, even millennia(from the time of the proto-French). US has a similar problem. Because its Jewish-controlled Narrative is so fixated on the Civil Rights Movement and the MLK myth, the great villain is still the KKK and white ‘racist’ bigot. So, even though the biggest problems of social violence are caused by black thuggery, pathology, and crime, the American Narrative props up the fantasy of noble blacks allied with decent whites against the KKK phantom militias[sighted even at Oberlin college, or was it just someone wrapped in a blanket?] It is a retrograde ideology, much like what prevails in the EU, and both are essentially Judeo-centric. Jews got burned by the Holocaust[though they are silent about their role in communist mass killings] and are still in revenge mode against Europeans. And Jews seek to secure their supremacism in America by morally paralyzing their main racial rival, the white gentiles. Indeed, notice that the mark of ‘white guilt’ isn’t branded only on white Southerners who owned slaves but to all whites, even newly arrived Polish immigrants who, not long ago, were ravaged by German and Russian invaders. Why do Poles have to share in ‘white guilt’? Because Jews want to exert control over them as well. Anyway, the formula of virtue-and-violence in current EU and US is terribly screwy. They spare and even encourage the vices of those who are doing the most damage — blacks in America and Africans/Muslims in Europe — while targeting the courage and decency of those who are most capable of defending and saving Western Civilization — white nationalists and race-ists. It would be as if Israel came up with a new set of ‘Zionist Values’ that spared and aided those Arabs most committed to harming and subverting Israel while targeting Jewish nationalists and race-ists for the harshest opprobrium and punishment. But since Jews are minority-supremacist elites in both US and EU, they simply can’t abide any sense of white majority pride, unity, identity, and interest. But then, where the so-called ‘values’ in EU and US fail most is in seeing Jews as angels deserving of protection when they[at least Jewish Globalits]are really devils hellbent on the destruction and demise of the white race, especially via race-mixing of white women with black men while white males are reduced to sappy sucks. Jews want black men to do to all white women what Soviet men did to German women during the occupation of Germany.)
In truth, hate and race-ism, along with suspicion and distrust, are necessary and essential part of what makes us human. Humans are somewhere between angels and animals. (One of the craziest aspects of PC is that it sees blacks, the most animal among the races, as the most angelic, e.g. the mountain-sized Negro who loves a little white mouse in THE GREEN MILE.) We look toward heaven, but we are mired on earth with the mud and slime. Communism tried to create heaven-on-earth but failed miserably. Capitalism is about dog-eat-dog competition. It produces enough bread, but everyone wants to eat cake and grab the whole pie. Globalism is a tool of Jewish Supremacism that pits entire civilizations against one another under the bullshit rubric of ‘diversity’, ‘tolerance’, and ‘inclusion’. The media are controlled by handful of conglomerates run by Jews and perverted by homos. They are out to hoodwink and fool us than give us the truth. We need to be sharper and more alert than ever. We need to be able to hate our enemies. We need to feel the flow of race-ism in our bloodstream to muster the will and courage to defend our race, culture, history, mythos(narrative), and territory.
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El Cid, the Spanish-European Hero-Warrior who fought to drive out the Moorish invaders from his homeland. |
When foolish white Liberals and white Cuckservatives hate ‘white haters’ or ‘white race-ists’, they are only hating themselves because the targets of PC are no longer extremists like Nazis or the KKK(who hardly exist anymore) but all white individuals who believe that white folks in Europe(or in nations that their forefathers founded and built in the New World) have a right to survive as a race and culture in their own homelands. PC is no longer going after just radical white ‘hate’ but even going after white love of own race, culture, history, and territory. Jewish-controlled PC surmises that white love of whiteness will lead to white hate against anyone and anything that threatens, attacks, and endangers whiteness. Since Jews are most committed to destroying and enslaving the white race, they are afraid of white love as well has white hate. Love when attacked turns to hate. Hurt the child of any parent, and see what happens. The parent who loves his or her child will be filled with hate against you like a Grizzly sow protecting her cubs.
Likewise, the white psychology needs a measures re-introduction of white race-ism. Only then will there be a balance within the white soul. And only when that soulful ecological balance is restored will the white race be ready and willing to take physical measures to protect itself from the Jewish parasite and Third World invaders. Restore the soul, resurrect the body, reclaim the land, and restart the fire. Otherwise, the future is this:
And let us never lose sight of the Jewish Plan for Europe. Right out of Barbara Specter’s mouth: "One of the most gratifying things to me as a Jew is that Muslims in Europe are so positive about Jews and Israel. They absolutely love us! But you are right about Europe. As I’ve said, Europe has not yet learned to be multi-cultural. And I think we’re going be part of the throes of that transformation which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that; it’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multi-cultural mode. And Jews will be resented because for our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."
There is a need for some amount of ‘homophobia’ and ‘antisemitism’ to maintain or restore balance the political ecology of the West. Of course, ‘homophobia’ is a bogus term since true phobia of homosexuals simply doesn’t exist, or at least I’ve never come across it. Phobia is a panicked, uncontrollable, and extreme fear of something that is harmless. While there is certainly suspicion, dislike, contempt, hatred, and loathing of homosexuals, I’ve never seen phobia of homosexuals. I never seen anyone break into a sweat and flip out because a homosexual happened to share the same space. I never seen people scream in fear when the issue of homosexuality was brought up. Calling someone a ‘homophobe’ is like calling someone a ‘tooth-fairy’. It doesn’t exist. True phobic reaction is like Grodin’s character’s meltdown in MIDNIGHT RUN(even though it turns out he was faking it).
Now, some will argue that terms are fluid, and ‘phobia’ can be used to mean any kind of fear, dislike, or hostility. If so, would the media and academia be okay with labeling anti-conservatives as ‘conservophobes’, anti-nationalists as ‘nationophobes’, anti-Christians as ‘Christophobes’, anti-whites as ‘whitophobes’, and anti-male activists as ‘masculinophobes’? Of course, the media and academia(both controlled by hte PROGLOB) do no such thing. Instead, ‘phobia’ is applied only to groups and agendas opposed by Jews, homos, and the globalists. ‘Phobia’, after all, is not a neutral term but a loaded term with negative connotations. It means your ‘fear’, ‘dislike’, or ‘opposition’ is pathological, mentally ill, irrational, possibly insane, and even evil. So, if you oppose massive immigration, you are a ‘xenophobe’, but if you support mass invasion and destruction of national homelands, you are not called an ‘indigenophobe’ or ‘nationophobe’. Apparently, defending one’s homeland is sick in the head but welcoming the destruction and displacement of your people is mentally sound. The Jewish-controlled academia blast the ‘xenophobes’ but love the ‘xenomaniacs’. And the Jewish-run media push xenomania all night and day. We are told Donald Trump is evil; he is Hitler because he believes in borders and rule of law when it comes to immigration.
Just like ‘homophobia’ is a bogus loaded term, so is ‘antisemitism’. Now, if ‘antisemitism’ were applied to Hitler-lovers, Holocaust-Deniers, or those prone to blaming Jews for everything(even for things Jews aren’t responsible), it would make some sense. It would mean a mentality so anti-Jewish that it sees only the negatives about Jew and nothing of the positive. An anti-Semite might even see wrongs against Jews as righteous or non-existent(as with the case of Hitler lovers or Holocaust Deniers) and/or imagine evils done by Jews that Jews didn’t do. There was a time after World War II when the term ‘antisemitism’ might have been used properly and meaningfully. But it’s since become routine for any honest critic of Jewish power to be denounced, hounded, and destroyed as an ‘anti-Semite’. Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer have been tarnished as ‘anti-Semitse’. Faring much worse were Rick Sanchez for noticing Jewish prominence in the media. And Jason Richwine was blacklisted for noticing higher IQ among Jews than among Hispanics and blacks. ‘Antisemitism’ used to mean slander, libel, and defamation against Jews. Now, it means the mere fact of noticing Jewish Power and speaking truth to it. The recent rise of Alt Right partly owes to its courage and honesty about Jewish Power that is so pervasive in the West. (Unfortunately, there is a porous barrier between Alt Right and the vile 14/88, aka Neo-Nazi, community filled with retards and degenerates. Alt Right needs better border control between the sane right and the insane right.)
Anyway, loaded terms like ‘homophobia’ and ‘antisemitism’ have had a culling effect on even sensible & healthy truth-telling about homosexuality(and its problems) and Jewish Power(and its abuses, some of them quite grave given the sheer might of the US as a military, financial, and cultural power). Without any effective opposition, homomania and Jewish Supremacism have spread like wild weeds. It is not unlike the problem of the Canadian wild geese. At one time, they were faced with near-extinction. So, they were protected and allowed to multiply. Without natural predators to control them, their population exploded, and they flew all around and shat on everything. So, measures had to be taken to smash geese eggs and to introduce certain predators to keep down the geese population. Same dynamics apply to Jews and homos. They too need to come under predatory pressure to restore the Political Ecology. By ‘predatory’, I don’t mean people should go around randomly killing Jews or homos like the Exterminators hunting the Brutals in ZARDOZ. I mean the struggle of ideas, information, truth, and narratives. After all, it was exactly such a (counter)predatory action that exposed the foul lies of Sabrina Rubin Erderly. She was pounced and preyed upon those who were hungry for truth. Truth-lovers have a keen nose for lies and feed on them. Without those ‘predatory’ bloggers who fed on PC lies, most people might still believe the vile defamation perpetrated by the Rolling Stone magazine. Just like Jews played predator against Wasp abuses and privileges in the past, there needs to be new predators that pounce on Jewish lies, excesses, and abuses. This will be good for non-Jews and Jews. Non-Jews will be shielded from Jewish excesses, and the Jewish community will be pressured to be more honest, serious, and principled.
Also, it’s a bad idea to allow homos to gain elite-supremacist power because their vain, narcissistic, and bitchy personalities tend to favor fantasy over factuality. They are like the Queen in SNOW WHITE: "Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all." As for trans-gender people, they are even more delusional than homos. If a homo man believes that his fecal hole is the sexual equivalent of a female vagina that produces life, a tranny-man believes that the surgical removal of his penis will clear the way for a ‘vagina’. When such delusional types are placed at the center of national culture and public morality, it is no wonder that US is turning into a nuthouse where money is the only thing that matters since morality no longer makes any sense.
(In a way, it is only logical that homos and trannies have become central to globalist-capitalism centered around pop culture fantasies of Hollywood and MTV. Celebrities tend to be indulgent, spoiled, and self-obsessed. They live out their fantasies, and their fans adore and gush over them as demi-gods. This fantasy looks so colorful and exciting while life and reality seem boring and unfair. Reality says you are what you are. Fantasy says you can pretend to whatever you want to be. You can pretend to be like one of those glamorous people in the movies or music. Males can pretend to be Batman, women can pretend to be hot gorgeous babes who get all the guys, and Michael Jackson could pretend to be something like a white woman. He couldn’t accept the reality of what he was: a black male with ‘nappy’ hair, wide nose, and black skin. Lena Dunham can make believe that her fat ugly self is sex goddess material. Everyone lives out some measure of fantasy, but people need to favor reality over illusion, facts over fantasy. But the whole appeal of Pop Culture is the allure that YOU can be like the stars, the celebrities, the models. You can be the fantasy. And since homos and trannies tend to be the most delusional and narcissistic people in the world, what they obsess over — preference of fantasy over reality — is in perfect tune with the radical aspects of Pop Culture. Is it any wonder that the rise of homomania is happening alongside tattoo-mania and hair-dyeing-mania? Preference of fantasy over reality. Favoring the plastic over the organic.) When homos inhabited a balanced world of Political Ecology in which they could be tolerated as homo BUT nevertheless seen as sexually deviant and morally problematic, things had been for the best for both the homosexual community and real-sexual(or true-sexual) community. Homos were left alone to be homo, and homos channeled their energies toward creative pursuits and contributed to society. And normal society maintained its core values that are so vital to the continuity of life, civilization, and morality. Unfortunately, because our ‘truthophobic’ political order has an aggressive policy of culling all ‘homophobic’ values and voices from elite institutions and the public square(that is now festooned with flags and banners that associate homo fecal penetration, lesbian poon-grinding, and tranny-penis-removal-for-fake-vagina), the tolerance of homos has grown out-of-control into poison weeds of mandatory worship of homos in governments, schools, and businesses. Mammon and Sodom have become the new morality, the new values.
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